Huang Qingdie felt that she couldn't find words now, she could only nod.

Her heartbeat was too fast, and she was worried that she would stutter as soon as she spoke.

It turned out that the feeling in Ying Qianxi's arms would be so good, especially warm, and smell good, and I especially don't want to leave.

She really wanted him to hold him a little longer.

Huang Qingdie even thought, just hold it like this, don't let go.

Ying Qianxi did not know the thought of the little girl. After a while, he let go of Huang Qingdie and took her out of the playground.

After walking out of the playground, it was much quieter, and there were fewer people on the street, mainly because the time was late. Many people returned to their dorms after self-study.

Ying Qianxi watched Huang Qingdie keep talking and asked, looking down worriedly: "Isn't it uncomfortable? Was it really just fine?"

Huang Qingdie shook his head, "I'm fine, today... Thank you for being with me like this..."

After Huang Qingdie said this, she didn't see Ying Qianxi answer.

She looked down at her toes and didn't know what Ying Qianxi thought, why didn't she speak?

After a while, Ying Qianxi sighed and touched Huang Qingdie's hair. "The scene has been finished, and the day after tomorrow the crew will leave."

Huang Qingdie was in a low mood, "Then you will..."

She wanted to say, would you still come to school?

But she also understood that this was awkward, and she wanted to ask after all she didn't ask.

Because she has no position to ask these, she is not his.

Huang Qingdie pouted, it was a very unhappy look.

Perhaps the breath on her body was too obvious, and Ying Qianxi could feel it naturally.

Ying Qianxi bowed his head and said, "I will come to school to see you later."

Upon hearing this sentence, Huang Qingdie suddenly looked up at Ying Qianxi, "Really?"

When she said this, her eyes brightened.

Ying Qianxi smiled, "Well, is it true, very happy?"

"Well, very happy."

"It's really easy to satisfy girl."

In front of the person she likes, she is really easy to meet, as long as he can accompany her, she is already very happy.

He said that there will be time in the future, even if there is no time in the future, she is very happy with such a sentence.


Ying Qianxi nodded and patted Huang Qingdie's head, "Well, contented and happy."

With this girl, he is always easy to relax and be happy.

Huang Qingdie didn't know what to say, "Then, that..."

She wanted to say that he should not be allowed to go back to rest, but she was reluctant to say this sentence.

Because as soon as I said it, I separated, and I don't know when I can meet again in the future.

At this time, Ying Qianxi said: "Is there any class tomorrow?"

Huang Qingdie's brain hadn't turned around, just instinctively said: "There will be no class tomorrow Saturday."

"Where do you want to go?"


Huang Qingdie is dumbfounded. What do you want to do?

She didn't understand Ying Qianxi's meaning for a while.

Ying Qianxi looked at Huang Qingdie tenderly, "silly girl, I have a day tomorrow. I want to go with you where I want to play."

When Huang Qingdie heard this sentence, all the jumpers jumped up.

Is she going to date someone she likes? Go out to play?

Too excited, "Go... go anywhere..."

Huang Qingdie's joyful expression was so obvious that it infected Ying Qianxi.

Huang Qingdie even felt that her liking might be too obvious, which should be felt by Ying Qianxi.

Anyway, as long as you are with Ying Qianxi, you can play wherever you go. The key is that person.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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