Han Yichu couldn't bear it at this time. He wished he could go to the next door immediately to see the Emperor Qingwu and hold his beloved in his arms.

How strong is the feeling of missing, maybe only his own heart is clear.

Han Yichu just wanted to listen to the voice of Huang Qingwu.

He wanted to say something, but he felt that he wanted to say everything, but when he really came to his mouth, he couldn't say anything.

Huang Qingwu held her mobile phone and her heart was jumping fast. She actually wanted Han Yichu and wanted to hear Han Yichu's voice.

In fact, leaving Han Yichu's side, even for one night, she felt inexplicably lonely in her heart and wanted him to accompany her.

Before you are in love or feelings, you won't feel lonely.

But when you really love and are used to the existence of another person, if you are separated at first glance, you are not used to it, and your heart is lonely and lonely.

Huang Qingwu listened carefully to the voice on the other end of the phone and found that there was no voice at all, "If there is nothing to say, I hang up."

When Han Yichu heard it, he felt nervous and couldn't care about anything. He said directly, "Dancing, I miss you."

Han Yichu's sudden words made Huang Qingwu's heart palpitate, and she had no resistance to Han Yichu's voice.

Especially when he said he missed it, her heart twitched.

Huang Qingwu pursed her lips, "You... what do you say?"

"Qingwu, I really miss you. Without you by my side, I can't fall asleep. You want... you have to take care of yourself, sleep well, and remember to drink milk before bed..."

Huang Qingwu heard Han Yichu's nagging instructions, but his heart was warm.

Sometimes, it is easy for people to calm down after they say goodbye. When the emperor danced away from home and thought of Han Yichu, he thought of his goodness.

In fact, some injuries have passed, she should look at the present, not the past.

"I know, you...you have to sleep well too."

Huang Qingwu couldn't help but added the last sentence.

But I don't know how important this sentence she cares is for Han Yichu.

"Qingwu...you...have you forgiven me?"

Han Yichu asked this sentence nervously, his heart was beating.

Huang Qingwu doesn't know how to answer, forgive me? Still not forgiving?

She didn't know it herself. She just needed time to adjust her status to figure out what to do.

Perhaps there is never forgiveness or forgiveness, it's just that she has a must in her heart.

Huang Qingwu's brain is actually a little messy. She doesn't know how to answer. She can only say: "I want to go to bed early."

Han Yichu's throat rolled down, very reluctantly said: "Okay, then you have a good rest, if there is something to call me."


After Huang Qingwu hung up the phone, Han Yichu still held the mobile phone, and he was still reluctant to put it down. He was still reminiscing about Huang Qingwu's voice. What was she thinking about? What are you doing? Willing to forgive him.

Huang Qingwu sighed long after hanging up the phone.

Huang Qingdie leaned over and said, "Sister, are you arguing with your brother-in-law?"

"No, where did you see the quarrel?"

"I think it's awkward. You weren't like that before. You used to think of your brother-in-law. Your brows are all smiles. Now you have sadness on your face. I can see it all."

Huang Qingwu touched his face, "Is it? I and him... I don't know if it's awkward."

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