Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4799: The Wind Chime of Memories (75)

Huang Qingdie looked at her sister's sad face and hugged her distressedly: "Sister, what's wrong with you and your brother-in-law? I can feel that you both love each other, but why bother?"

After all, Huang Qingdie is still young and has not experienced any feelings, so she doesn't quite understand it.

Huang Qingwu looked at his sister, sighed, and touched her head and said: "Some things you don't understand."

"Sister, don't treat me like a kid. I've grown up, you can tell me."

Huang Qingwu hesitated, she really didn't know whether to say it, but it was really uncomfortable to hold back some things in her heart.

Huang Qingwu simply told Huang Qingdie some of the previous things.

Huang Qingdie listened, tears falling down.

Huang Qingwu looked at his sister like this and was startled. "Why cry?"

"Sister, I don’t know that you and your brother-in-law still had these before. He was so bad to you, how sad you should be, but it’s not really bad to you, even though he still misses others in your heart, why do you... Together?"

Huang Qingwu's mouth had a bitter arc on her mouth, thinking of those past, her eyes also brought tears, she looked up at the ceiling and forced the tears back, "I don't know, maybe it's because of love, love can't Let go, even if it hurts, I want to persevere."

"But sister, brother-in-law is very good to you now, can't you forgive him?"

Huang Qingdie felt that her sister and her husband were happy when they were together, and they clearly fell in love. If they were to separate, they would definitely not be able to stand it.

Huang Qingwu sighed, "I don't know, I am also very tangled."

"Sister, I think, when people are confused, the brother-in-law may not understand his feelings at that time."

Huang Qingdie used to think that her sister and brother-in-law had a good relationship, but now they found that they also experienced a period of time between them. No wonder then that the sister forgot everything and turned out to be really hypnotized.

Huang Qingwu sighed again, not knowing what else to say, she may need to adjust herself.

Huang Qingdie looked at her sister and said, "Sister, you didn't find out that you sighed more times. If you trust your brother-in-law, if you are just unhappy because of the past, you will never hypnotize again."

"Hypnotism is also harmful to people's bodies. How can we say that hypnosis is hypnosis, go to sleep!"

Huang Qingwu was a little tired and wanted to rest early, but after lying down, she could not sleep.

This night, she was insomnia.

What she didn't know was that Han Yichu next to him was also insomnia.

Huang Qingwu didn't sleep all night. She got up early and went downstairs for breakfast the next day. She didn't expect to find Han Yichu on the first floor.

"You... why are you here?"

When she saw Han Yichu, she was really shocked, thinking she was dazzling.

Han Yichu looked at Huang Qingwu with pain, and his eyes were full of intense thoughts. He had to control his emotions very hard in order to endure not holding her in his arms.

"I miss you, so I'm here."

Huang Qingwu's expression changed, "You follow me!"

"No, Qingwu, you listen to me explain, I... I am not by your side, I am very uneasy, I just want to get closer to you, I said, I want to guard beside you..."

Han Yichu explained incoherently that he was afraid of the misunderstanding of Huang Qingwu.

Huang Qingwu was a little surprised at first, but when he saw Han Yichu's dark circles and his gaunt look, he felt a little bit soft.

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