Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4810: The Wind Chime of Memories (86)

When Huang Qingdie looked at the hot pot, her eyes were bright.

At this time she even forgot how she was shy.

Because I don’t eat much all day, it’s strange not to be hungry.

Ying Qianxi looked at Huang Qingdie like this, only to feel cute, and his mind was swayed, wishing that she would always spoil her, so that she could live like this innocently.

Looking at Huang Qingdie's side and watching her sweet and pure smile, Ying Qianxi's heart was full.

Huang Qingdie can make him happy and relax him.

This is the feeling that others can not give him.

Ying Qianxi lowered the meat into the pot and stirred it gently, looking at the appearance of Huang Qingdie, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it will be fine in a while."

Huang Qingdie nodded and looked at Ying Qianxi with her cheek.

I only think that Ying Qianxi is so elegant and so elegant.

Before she saw Ying Qianxi accompany the heroine in a TV show, she was envious, and she even felt jealous.

Although I knew it was a TV series, I couldn't help it.

But at this time, she really saw Ying Qianxi sitting opposite, stirring the meat in the pot, and the hot air in the pot lingered, making her heart particularly firm and warm.

She dragged her cheeks and looked at Ying Qianxi like this, even forgetting what she ate in the hot pot.

Ying Qianxi's attention was also on Huang Qingdie, and she could naturally feel her sight.

Ying Qianxi looked away from the hot pot to the Emperor Qingdie, and smiled softly at her, "Are you pretty?"

Huang Qingdie nodded involuntarily, "Well, it looks good."

After the reaction came, Huang Qingdie quickly coughed and said: "I mean hot pot looks good."

Ying Qianxi did not break the words of Huang Qingdie.

He took out the good meat and put it in the dish in front of Huang Qingdie. "Okay, it's a little hot. Eat it slowly."

"Uh huh."

Huang Qingdie caught up and blew, and began to eat slowly, feeling better than the hot pot she had eaten before.

Ying Qianxi is actually not hungry, but watching Huang Qingdie eat cheerfully, his mood will also get better.

Huang Qingdie was still a little girl, patronizing herself, and after eating a few bites, she discovered that Ying Qianxi had been taking care of her. She blinked, "You eat too."

"Well, eating."

In fact, most of the time, Ying Qianxi is taking care of Huang Qingdie, who is responsible for eating.

Huang Qingdie urged Ying Qianxi, and Ying Qianxi only took a few bites.

"No, you have to eat, you have to eat more, or it's not good for your health."

Huang Qingdie was also distressed by Ying Qianxi. She directly picked up the meat and handed it to Ying Qianxi's mouth to let Ying Qianxi eat.

Huang Qingdie muttered her mouth, and Ying Qianxi refused to eat, and she looked unhappy.

Ying Qianxi had no choice but to eat her bit by bit.

There was a natural intimacy between the two.

Some people only stay together for such a long time, so there is a natural and harmonious atmosphere between Ying Qianxi and Huang Qingdie.

This is an elegant room, and the interaction between the two cannot be seen by others.

Huang Qingdie didn't realize that she used the chopsticks she used to give Ying Qianxi.

It was totally a feeling of indirect kissing.

Because there was Ying Qianxi's care, it was also how much Ying Qianxi gave Huang Qingdie what Huang Qingdie ate.

It's a happy meal to eat, because the hot pot is smoking hot, Huang Qingdie's face is red, very beautiful, people can't wait to bite.

Ying Qianxi looked at Huang Qingdie, his eyes darkened.

He is a man, and treats his favorite little girl, and also has some things he can't help but want to do, such as kissing.

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