Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4811: The Wind Chime of Memories (87)

Huang Qingdie was eating and eating, and she felt a scorching sight. She looked up and greeted Ying Qianxi's dusty eyes like pear blossoms. She felt the whole person was immersed in it, and she was fascinated.

In the smoky smoke, she felt that the person on the opposite side was mortal.

Huang Qingdie's eyes matched Ying Qianxi's, and her heart beat faster. She touched her face in a daze, "I... do I have anything on my face?"

She felt her face was hot.

Ying Qianxi glanced at a dark light, and then gently extended his hand to wipe the things in his mouth for Huang Qingdie.

His fingers are very beautiful, exquisite and perfect, slender as jade, with distinct bones and a cool temperature, just rubbed on her lips, bringing the heat of friction, making Huang Qingdie like an electric, whole body All shuddered.

Huang Qingdie couldn't hold back, his tongue ticked, and it just touched Ying Qianxi's finger.

Huang Qingdie felt her tongue touch her fingertips, and her face turned red.

She didn't dare to look at Ying Qianxi's look. She wished she could find a hole in the ground to prevent people from looking at her present look.


What if she is going crazy?

The light in Ying Qianxi's eyes is getting deeper and more complex.

He took a deep breath in his heart, pressed down on all the restlessness in his mouth, rolled his throat, and said: "Hurry up, or it will be cold."

Ying Qianxi's words suddenly relieved Huang Qingdie's embarrassment.

She hurried up and ate quickly with her head down, as if to hide her uneasiness in this way.

She had just wanted to be close to Ying Qianxi, and wanted to have more intimate movements.

He was so tempting to her that she dared not look at Ying Qianxi anymore, for fear of being confused again.

Once confused, what would she do?

Ying Qianxi said softly: "Don't eat so fast, it's bad for your stomach."

"Uh huh."

"Eat slowly, don't worry, after dinner you will be taken back."

Huang Qingdie would go back as soon as he heard the meal. His heart sank, and his mood was slightly lower.

She understood that after eating, Ying Qianxi sent her back, and the two had to separate again.

I don't know if it's two people together, I don't know if it's because she likes it so much, she didn't want to be separated from Ying Qianxi at all.

She wanted to keep looking at him and stay close to him.

She would even sketch many scenes in her mind.

She remembers that a sister in the dormitory often went out to live with her boyfriend, and there were girls in other colleges who lived with her boyfriend.

She may not have understood it before, but when someone really has someone she likes, she will know what it is like.

Just don't want to be separated, willing to stay with the person you like, and even willing to break the principle.

When I met the person I loved, the principles I had previously thought were not principles, they could all be changed.

She thinks she can be a bad girl.

But there were some things she thought about, but she couldn't tell.

She hasn't determined that she is Ying Qianxi's girlfriend. She is afraid that acting too warm and too strange will make Ying Qianxi unhappy.

She wants to keep a good image in front of the people she likes.

It turns out that I like such a complicated thing, I will have various tangles, all kinds of worries, all kinds of uneasiness.

When I'm not together, I want to see each other and want to see each other more.

Really together, there are other concerns.

Huang Qingdie slowed down involuntarily. She wanted to stay with Ying Qianxi for a while, and didn't want to go back so early.

Even though she was almost full, she was still eating hard.

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