Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4814: The Wind Chime of Memories (90)

Huang Qingdie smiled, "Of course I want to bring you food, don't worry about me, I am in a good mood today."

"You are certainly happy with your male god."

"We thought we wouldn't see the big star Ying Qianxi, so we can still see them in the future."

The angle of Huang Qingdie's mouth evoked a sweet arc, "He said, please have dinner."

After saying this, the other three hugged happily.

This evening, the entire dormitory, four people were talking and talking, all very happy.

When Huang Qingdie was lying in bed, thinking about the details of being with Ying Qianxi during the day, her heart was particularly sweet, her heartbeat accelerated, and she could not sleep.

She thought about Ying Qianxi, her heart was still throbbing, and she could not sleep.

And she is looking forward to the next day, and looking forward to the future, she can have a good relationship with Ying Qianxi.

Huang Qingdie also thought, how will she get along with Ying Qianxi in the future?

He is so good to her, how should she be good to him?

Thinking about it, Huang Qingdie was insomnia.

She fell asleep at two or three in the morning.

She even forgot to open her phone and watch it.

After waking up the next morning, Huang Qingdie opened her mobile phone communication tool, only to see Ying Qianxi say good night to her.

She didn't even watch it.

Huang Qingdie hurriedly replied that she didn't look at her phone last night, but now she just saw it.

After she replied, she did not see Ying Qianxi's reply, and her mood began to struggle.

Is it because he was not happy because he didn't reply last night?

The feeling of being in love is really too tangled.

Huang Qingdie waited and waited, but did not want to have breakfast.

It was after Ying Qianxi replied that her mood was bright again.

The two of you just chatted with me, even she didn't want to have breakfast.

Ying Qianxi knew she hadn't eaten breakfast and delivered breakfast in half an hour.

Others in the dormitory quipped, "Love breakfast."

Huang Qingdie hurried downstairs to get it.

It was indeed the breakfast that Qian Qianxi personally made, which was given to Huang Qingdie.

"Thank you, I also delivered it personally..."

"Qingdie, I didn't want to say thank you."

Huang Qingdie blushed, and did not know where the courage came from. She looked at no one around her. She tipped her toes and hugged Ying Qianxi, took the initiative to kiss his cheek, and then fled into the desert.

When she hurried upstairs with breakfast, she could even hear the laugh behind her.

It's the kind of laughter with spoils.

Huang Qingdie forgot to take the elevator. She ran upstairs in the dormitory in one go.

Huang Qingdie sat breathlessly on the bed, covering her face with her hands.

Ahhh... she didn't know where she had the courage just now, and her heart was jumping out of her throat.

"Ah, I smell the smell, delicious breakfast."

"Is there our share?"

Huang Qingdie nodded stunnedly, "He said a lot, everyone can eat."

"Ah, Ying Qianxi is so good in private, so distressed and so sweet, and leaning on the butterfly, you should cherish it..."

"Yeah, such a good boyfriend."

Big guy, you said it to me, and then ate breakfast.

They ate and began to marvel, "It's so delicious..."

Huang Qingdie was originally hungry and wanted to eat, but thinking of her initiative just now, she didn't know what Ying Qianxi reacted to. She was still thinking wildly!

Just when Huang Qingdie was thinking about something, her cell phone rang and Ying Qianxi called.

Huang Qingdie's heart trembled, and quickly picked up her phone and went to the side of the corridor to pick it up.

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