Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4815: The Wind Chime of Memories (91)

Huang Qingdie felt her heart beating fast while holding her mobile phone.

When she came to the side of the corridor, when there was no one, she took a deep breath and answered the phone.


Huang Qingdie tried to make her voice sound smoother, but she found that the voice was still a little trembling.

Even if it's just a word.

"Is breakfast still appetizing?"

Huang Qingdie listened to Ying Qianxi's soft words with pampering, and his heart fell, and she was relieved.

He shouldn’t have changed because of his kiss, that’s fine.

She was really afraid that Ying Qianxi would be upset or might change her impression.

She even started to suffer and lose.

Huang Qingdie remembered that after returning to the dormitory, he had been in a daze and had not eaten breakfast.

"I... I haven't eaten yet."

"Fool, it's cold if you don't eat it."

"Hmm, I remember to eat, have you had breakfast?"

After asking this sentence, Huang Qingdie felt the silence on the other end of the phone, and his heart raised again.

She doesn't know what it's like to fall in love with others, and it's easy to carry her heart.

Is it because you care too much?

Huang Qingdie put her fingers on the wall, and her nails were pulling hard against the wall.

She could do this involuntarily. She was nervous and didn't know what to say.

I do not understand why Ying Qianxi stopped talking.

After a while, there was a low-alcohol voice over there, "I miss you, I didn't eat."

Huang Qingdie almost never heard Qianxi say such a thing. When she heard this, her heart trembles.

miss you?

miss her?

Huang Qingdie's heart jumped for a moment, and she wished she could jump at once.

What to do, my heart beats fast, so happy.

Does he like her very much?

Huang Qingdie even forgot to react.

Then there was Ying Qianxi's voice again, "Qingdie, morning kiss, I like it very much."

Ying Qianxi was very serious when he said this.

Huang Qingdie's heart throbbed and felt that she was really in love.

They had an intimate gesture at once. He said he missed her and said he liked it. Was she the girlfriend?

Huang Qingdie didn't know what to do at this time, her brain was blank, as if she had forgotten to be hungry.

She began to walk around the corridor continuously, "I...I also..."

I also have nothing, Huang Qingdie doesn't know what to say.

Huang Qingdie took a deep breath, then closed her eyes and said stubbornly, "I also like you holding me."

After talking, Huang Qingdie covered her face with the other hand, feeling hot and hot.

Ying Qianxi smiled softly, the sound was so magnetic and pleasant, with a touching flavor.

"You laugh at me!"

"No, silly girl, I think you are cute."

In Ying Qianxi's heart, Huang Qingdie was so good and so cute.

If the girl is right beside him now, he can't help but hold it in his arms.

But this will be able to imagine her.

Ying Qianxi thought of Huang Qingdie, and there was a gentle light between his brows and eyes, "Eat breakfast early, and I will take you to eat something else at noon, OK?"

Ying Qianxi knew that Huang Qingdie was fine today. He asked about it yesterday.

And last night he planned to take her out today.

Huang Qingdie will not hold her back like other girls, she nods directly, "Okay."

Huang Qingdie thought of getting along with Ying Qianxi alone and going out together. Her heart really jumped out.

I feel that the sun is particularly bright, and the view of the campus outside through the window is so beautiful.

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