Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4816: The Wind Chime of Memory (92)

What I said next, what I talked on the phone, Huang Qingdie didn't pay careful attention, as if it was instinctive, yeah, arbitrarily.

Because her brain seemed to be unable to think, she thought involuntarily that she would go to dinner together at noon and be alone with Ying Qianxi.

I was so happy thinking about it, and I didn't even bother to talk on the phone.

Ying Qianxi seemed to be able to feel Huang Qingdie's absence. When she thought that the girl hadn't eaten breakfast, she asked her to have breakfast early and the two hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Ying Qianxi looked at the phone, rubbed his brow, sighed, and shook his head.

Unexpectedly, he was so many years older than the girl, and now it's almost thirty, but just like the Maotou kid, there will be various mood swings.

Because of the girl's words, the girl's tone will guess her thoughts and her emotions.

In fact, in this relationship, he is also a little nervous, maybe because he cares a lot!

He really wanted to have a serious relationship with Huang Qingdie and never break up.

But the girl is too young, he is so many years older than her.

The courage to persevere is because he remembered that the girl said a word and said she didn't care about the age gap.

He really wanted to take her by his side and always accompanied him.

Ying Qianxi sat on the sofa of the manor house and looked at his watch. It was a few hours until noon, suitable for picking up Huang Qingdie.


"Uncle Yang, you are here."

"The young master, the old man and the wife know you are out of the acting world, they are very happy, they are preparing to set up a gala dinner, and ask you when to go back."

Ying Qianxi's eyes flashed mysteriously and unpredictably, his fingers lightly struck the old wooden armrest beside the sofa, and said lightly: "Sometimes later, I will bring a person back after a while, and they will be pleasantly surprised."

Uncle Yang grew up watching the young master and believed in his ability.

They all felt that if there was a young master, the family would be better.

They are the oldest Sakura family. In their country, one-third of the country's economy is in the hands of the Sakura family, and all areas are involved.

The young man's aunt is also the queen of the country.

Internationally, the Sakura family also has an influence that cannot be underestimated, but the Sakura family is low-key, and when the young master entered the performing arts circle, he used his last name.

Maybe no one is connected to the Sakura family.

The young master was a genius when he was a child. When the young master was ten years old, he founded the Maritime Group in one hand, affecting the international shipping.

Master's IQ is also super high.

When the young man was ten years old, both the old man and his wife thought about decentralization and gave the family to the young man.

But the young master is not interested in these.

Now the young master finally figured out that he was ready to return to the family, and the whole family was celebrating joy.

The old man and his wife, as well as those of their older generation, have read the press conference several times to make sure that the young man is really preparing to return to the family. They are celebrating all night.

There is also a celebration feast, they are prepared for the young master.

It's just what the young master said, take a person back, and take them back, they are very puzzled.

Oh, he remembered it. The young master came back this morning with a good look, made a lot of breakfast, and took it out.

He hasn’t seen who the young master cooked for, is it a girl?

Is the young master dating? Are you going to take your girlfriend home?

Is the old man and his wife unhappy?

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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