Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4824: The Wind Chime of Memories (100)

When Huang Qingwu heard the Ying Family, the smile on his face subsided, his expression slightly dignified.

As the daughter of the Black Dragon Party, she has heard of the Sakura family, the oldest family, and is low-key and mysterious.

If it weren’t for the eldest lady of her Black Dragon Party, maybe she didn’t know anything about the Ying Family.

She looked at Ying Qianxi and her sister being together beautifully, and did not worry about their emotional problems. What she worried about was that if there were too many family rules, could the sister bear it?

I heard that such a family followed the feudal dynasty system. Although it is not an emperor, it is like an emperor.

Their Black Dragon Party is not inferior, but she is worried that such a family will have some secrets handed down from the ancients.

Han Yichu watched Huang Qingwu nervous, and sighed in his heart, maybe some things should not be told to her.

Seeing her nervous, he was really distressed.

"Don’t worry, this era is no longer the same as before. Maybe the Ying Family is a family that is very reunited, otherwise it can’t be said that the low-key has been low-key, it’s not as good as the Black Dragon Party. It looks like, in fact, how much your family loves, others don't know."

A few words from Han Yichu made Huang Qingwu feel relieved at once. She might be too worried about her sister.

She only hopes that her sister can have a sweet love without being hurt.

Because my heart hurt when I was injured.

She didn't want her sister to go through an injury.

Han Yichu felt the sad emotion from Huang Qingwu's body and reached out to hug her tightly.

Huang Qingwu breathed the breath of Han Yichu's body, and concentrated all the emotions of the past.

She smiled softly, "Come on, they have their lives, and we will have our lives."

"Well, didn't you say you want to go back to school? Let's go to school and walk."

When Huang Qingwu heard this, her eyes lit up, and she still wanted to go to school to see it.


Ying Qianxi took Huang Qingdie out for lunch, and neither of them knew that there were two figures behind them who followed them for a long time.

Ying Qianxi walked on the road holding Huang Qingdie's hand.

Huang Qingdie jumped up and down, walking and jumping. She smelled the faint fragrance of Ying Qianxi, and her heart moved.

She stopped and looked at Ying Qianxi with blinking eyes.

Ying Qianxi saw the eyes like Huang Qingdie, and the softest place in her heart was hit.

Ying Qianxi can feel that his heart has become so gentle.

He couldn't help relaxing his voice, "What's wrong?"

Huang Qingdie directly reached out and said: "I want to hug."

Ying Qianxi looked at Huang Qingdie's serious look, and there was a look of surprise in her eyes. She didn't expect her girl to be so bold, it could be like this on the street...

Ying Qianxi petted tenderly: "Okay, hug."

With that, Ying Qianxi reached out and hugged Huang Qingdie in his arms.

Huang Qingdie leaned in Ying Qianxi's arms and smelled his breath. The whole person was very happy.

She couldn't help but giggled.

"So happy?"

Huang Qingdie nodded vigorously, "Well, very happy, hug."

Ying Qianxi bowed her head in Huang Qingdie's ear and said softly: "Is it good to hold it in the future?"

Huang Qingdie felt that she had been touched again, and she was so excited.

What to do, don't want to let go when holding it.

Huang Qingdie's courage is also very big, she doesn't care what other people think and think, she just wants to hold.

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