Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4825: The most is the flying flower on earth (1)

I don't know if it is Xishi in the eyes of my lover. In Ying Qianxi's heart, Huang Qingdie is good.

If he had seen others hugging on the road before, it might not be very understandable.

But since he has Qingdie around him, he feels good, as long as he is happy.

Including holding it like this, even if passers-by walked around to watch, he didn't think there was anything.

The only thing he cares about is Huang Qingdie's mood and feelings.

As for the road, they are all strangers, how do they think it is their business.

Ying Qianxi gently patted Huang Qingdie's back, "Good luck, hug it again, it will starve you."

Huang Qingdie looked up at Sakura Qianxi, and met the thick smile and the indulgent light in his eyes, feeling that his mind was addicted to it.

What to do, just think that Ying Qianxi is so handsome.

Huang Qingdie looked at Ying Qianxi, thinking that he was her boyfriend, she wanted to laugh.

There was a smile between Huang Qingdie's eyebrows and Ying Qianxi gently touched her head and liked to see her happy.

He was so coquettish that he coaxed Huang Qingdie, "Okay, go eat, eh?"

Huang Qingdie nodded.

She followed Yingqianxi for a while and suddenly stopped.

Ying Qianxi thought she was tired, "I'll be there at another intersection. Tired? I'll carry you over."

Huang Qingdie's heart moved and throbbed so much, she really really wanted Sakura Qianxi to carry it and wanted to experience this feeling.

Because the mother occasionally talked about how she and her father were in love when they were young.

The mother said that it would walk on the street. She was tired and her father would carry her.

Even now, when the father and mother go out to play together, the father will still squat down and let the mother lie on his back naturally, and then get up and walk for a walk.

At that age, they still maintained the appearance of being young and in love, which actually made her really envious.

Huang Qingdie was in a trance, watching Yingqianxi squat down, and she quickly grabbed him.

She had just been with Sakura Qianxi. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't do this. She couldn't be arrogant and proud.

"I'm not tired, it's better to walk around."

Ying Qianxi looked at Huang Qingdie's awkward look and gently smiled, "It's okay, I'll carry you, come up!"

"this is not good."

"It's nothing bad, don't you say that I am your boyfriend? I can give you whatever boyfriend can give to my girlfriend, and I want to give you what I can't."

The simplest sentence made Huang Qingdie's heart beat.

Sometimes such a sentence can touch people more than any sweet words.

Huang Qingdie's heart was sweet and moved.

But she was still awkward, tiptoed and said in Ying Qianxi's ear: "Now when you come back during the daytime and evening walk, you carry me, OK?"

Huang Qingdie faced Sakura Qianxi and would always spoil her involuntarily.

The tone of the speech is also crisp and delicate, letting Sakura Qianxi listen to it, and his heart becomes extra soft.

"Okay, whatever you say."

Huang Qingdie grinned happily, then took the arms of Ying Qianxi actively, "Come on, let's go to dinner."

Ying Qianxi patted the back of Huang Qingdie's hand and smiled.

He felt with this girl, and his heart was much younger, as if returning to the purest time.

In fact, he was very grateful to meet Huang Qingdie, she brought him a different mood and experience.

When Ying Qianxi and Huang Qingdie are sweet and sweet, the other side

It was only after Huang Qingwu and Han Yichu returned to school that Lin Weiyue was gone.

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