Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4827: The most is the flying flower on earth (3)

Huang Qing danced his eyebrows, "Well, how can you say that disappearing disappears?"

Huang Qingwu was a friend of Lin Weiyue at the university, so he was naturally very worried.

What did she think of Lin Weiyue if she was in danger?

Huang Qingwu's heart was pulled.

Han Yichu's thoughts were all on Huang Qingwu. When Huang Qingwu's face turned pale, he was really distressed.

According to Han Yichu's intention, he did not want Huang Qingwu to worry about anything.

Han Yichu disliked Huang Qingwu, because Huang Qingwu was pregnant with his children, and he could not have big emotional fluctuations.

"Dancing, obedient, don't worry about anything first, I will find someone to find her."

At this time, Huang Qingwu's mind was really chaotic. After hearing Han Yichu's affirmation, she felt more at ease.

She had a messy head just now, maybe it was careless.

She was really worried about Lin Weiyue.

She also cherishes this friend very much.

At the beginning, she liked Han Yichu at that time. At that time, when all the emotions were sad, Lin Weiyue accompanied her to comfort her.

At that time, it was also because a friend encouraged her to support her to accompany her, so her heart could always be strong and persistent.

At that time, she couldn't tell her parents or many other things.

Many of her thoughts can only be told to Lin Weiyue.

She remembered that at that time, her crazy behavior towards Han Yichu made many people laugh and even the dormitory people mocked her.

Some people on the bright side satirized her.

At that time she told herself not to listen to those words, but her heart was still affected and stimulated.

In particular, they said one by one that Han Yichu and Helian Man were a pair.

Said she couldn't compare with Helianman, and said she was a minor.

At that time, she listened much harder.

Lin Weiyue comforted her.

The warmth at that time, even now Huang Qingwu still remembers.

She looked a little ironic at the look of the dormitory in front of her.

She can see who is sincere to her.

She all knows why they are so enthusiastic about her now, but because of her identity as the Miss Black Dragon Party.

If these identities are removed, will they stifle her?

It is estimated that sarcasm will continue, and maybe she will be jealous now that she is with Han Yichu.

After Huang Qingwu knew Lin Weiyue's news, he didn't stay any longer.

After Huang Qingwu and Han Yichu left, no one else had any ideas, and they dared not sarcasm or satire behind them.

They think that it is normal for someone to be the first lady of the Black Dragon Party to have a big name.

It was just that they thought that it would not be so easy to build a good relationship with Huang Qingwu again.

They only envy Lin Weiyue, but the strange thing is where did Lin Weiyue go?

After leaving school, Han Yichu watched Huang Qingwu's look not very good and comforted her along the way.

Huang Qingwu sighed in his heart: "Han Yichu, you know I just woke up in a dream and went to find you. When I saw you and Helianman together, how much I wanted to love you again. Around that time The people all satire at me, but Lin Weiyue understands that I support me, so she is very important to me, and I must find her."

Han Yichu's throat was blocked, and he knew that he couldn't help Huang Qingwu.

Therefore, when looking for Lin Weiyue, he must do his best.

Immediately, Han Yichu used all his relationships up and down the Han family and began to look for Lin Weiyue.

But no one would think where Lin Weiyue had gone. Even Lin Weiyue was awake even after waking up.

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