Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4828: The most is the flying flower on earth (4)

Not only was Lin Weiyue stunned, she looked at the antique building in front of her, and another person called her "Princess, Princess..."

She really wanted to vomit blood.

Lin Weiyue wanted to faint and wanted to tell herself that she was dreaming, but she pinched herself and it hurt.

It took her several days to sort out her own situation.

She seems to be really wearing the novel written by Huang Qingwu. She is still Lin Weiyue, the Princess Yue of Lin Luoguo.

And it is a female match, as a female match!

Lin Weiyue didn't believe it at first, not because she didn't believe it, but she didn't want to believe it.

A good modern man, she came to the book, isn't it a joke? Noisy.

She thought it was a coincidence, really a coincidence, but she found that everything is the same as in the book, it is not a coincidence.

For example, the name of the maidservant around her, her father and mother, and her pony are really the same as in the book.

So Lin Weiyue understands that she died in the end.

She really wants to vomit blood.

She really didn't want to become a vicious female mate as in the book. She was unscrupulous for love. Later, the country was taken away by her horse and his lover, and she was also beheaded.

Think about it, she will cry.

After Lin Weiyue knew that she really arrived in the book, she began to think it was a dream, and she wanted to wake up, including using a lot of suicides.

For example, when hanging, she found that when she found a tree to hang in the middle of the night, the branch of that tree was broken by herself.

Later all the trees in her yard were cut down.

She couldn't do it.

She decided to cut her wrist. She took out the knife several times and was afraid of pain.

Lin Weiyue was crying in the house, because she was really afraid of pain, and she would bleed when she cut her wrist.

Every time she cried, she also vaguely heard someone talking outside.

"Our princess is crazy for his horse."

"No, our princess is also really infatuated. For the sake of the pony, I forced the pony to marry her, crying, arguing and hanging three times, and finally let the emperor have to threaten the pony. I heard that the forced pony is separated from his fiancee, this time princess Miss Zirouyan accidentally fell into the river and woke up crazy."

"Think about it, when both of them fell into the river and were about to die, it was clear that the concubine was closest to the princess and could save the princess and then Miss Zi, but she only saved Miss Zi. Our princess almost drowned."

"The princess has been crying for a few days, and she will hang herself that day. Fortunately, it was found in time. Otherwise, the emperor and the queen will definitely kill us."

"The big guy wants to be optimistic about the princess."

"I don't think the princess would be willing to commit suicide. She just deliberately made troubles and wanted the pony to come to see her. Unfortunately, the pony is too unsympathetic."

"It's not that the horses are unsympathetic, it's that the horses and Ms. Zi were originally a pair, and the princess cut them apart."


Lin Weiyue does not need to guess, but also knows what the big guys are discussing.

The body's pony is the son of King Dong'an, His Royal Highness Wang Shizi is so amazing, he is the only son of Lin Luoguo's first son, the first beautiful man, and all the beautiful labels are on him.

And he also got married to the great-fu granddaughter, Ms. Zi, who was the first beauty and the first talent.

In the end, the two were inserted horizontally by the straw princess Lin Weiyue.

In addition to her good looks, Lin Weiyue is the princess's identity. That is really nothing to learn, no talent, and all kinds of viciousness, all kinds of death. How can this straw bag woman be a woman like Zirouyan? opponent.

The more Lin Weiyue wanted to vomit blood, the more she did not know how Huang Qingwu wrote such a story.

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