Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4829: The most is the flying flower on earth (5)

Oh, yes, Lin Weiyue almost forgot one thing.

That is that this princess has done a lot of ridiculous things, that is, the face of the backyard.

I heard that one of the princesses was tied back, and I heard that the man was also a beautiful man in Qingguoqingcheng.

The reason she remembers it very clearly is because the book uses a lot of beautiful words to describe the man's temperament and appearance.

In order to jealous the concubine, the princess found a man with a better appearance than the concubine, and deliberately came to anger the consort.

It seems that Beiming Qinghan doesn't care about any ridiculous things about this princess Lin Weiyue.

How the princess pleased North Ping Qing Han did not work.

This princess might have plundered Beiming Qinghan in the beginning, but later it might really be true love.

In order to conquer her temper for Beiming Qinghan, she began to learn many things, including cooking.

It’s really rare for a princess to cook in person.

She didn't know anything from the beginning, and then she was able to cook a table of delicious food.

But what is written in the book is that it seems that the horse horse has never tasted it.

Lin Weiyue's summary of the princess's words to the princess may allow the pitiful to have something to hate.

But the point is, she is now the princess.

She is going to commit suicide, go back to suicide, she should not be the princess who died, and later a princess who died.

Lin Weiyue covered her head and began to sigh.

She gritted her teeth and drank the poison without courage, because the palace poison was difficult to reach.

And some inferior poisons have tortured people for a long time before they die.

But cut your wrist...

She gave it a try...

No, she can jump into the river. She just fell into the river before putting it in the book.

She can jump in the river again.

Lin Weiyue said to do it, she walked out of the room in plain clothes.

When she opened the door, many people were dumbfounded.

When did their princess become so beautiful, there is a feeling of hibiscus out of clear water.

No wonder everyone was so surprised. It was really this princess who used to dress up, put on thick makeup, put on a bunch of flowers, and get a bunch of headdresses, for fear that others would not know that she was a princess, just like an upstart.

Lin Weiyue was about to commit suicide by jumping into the river. He was thinking of returning to modern times.

So she didn't notice her current image.

I have to wear it back, and still care about the image!

Lin Weiyue looked at everyone looking at her, she thought it was looking at the fool's eyes.

Lin Weiyue waved his hand and said: "My father mainly went to find the concubine, all of you left, don't follow me."

Everyone suddenly realized that every time the princess went to find the concubine, she would do all sorts of outrageous things, so it was normal for them not to let them see.

Everyone retreated silently.

Lin Weiyue watched that there was no one, and Sayya happily ran to the river.

She looked at the river and her eyes were glowing. She really jumped without hesitation and really jumped into the river.

She can't swim.

When it really fell into the river, Lin Weiyue knew how suffocating it was.

She is actually afraid of death, but she can’t swim. Slowly, she feels that she is really going to die.

Many of the plots in the book flashed in her mind, ya, she must go back and let Huang Qingwu change the plot, change the plot...

If Huang Qingwu didn't change, she would personally modify it.

We must arrange a good ending for the princess Lin Weiyue.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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