Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4838: The most is the flying flower on earth (14)

After Lin Weiyue said cheerfully, Ye Xueluo said quietly, "Okay."

Lin Weiyue squatted down and sat next to him, watching Ye Xueluo think he was really beautiful and his voice was so nice.

I don't know why. Lin Weiyue's heart can calm down when she stays with Ye Xueluo.

She would be willing to say a lot of things to him.

"Xue Luo, you have a good temper."

Lin Weiyue looked at Ye Xueluo with her cheek.

She thought that Ye Xueluo could not see her like this for a while, otherwise she would be embarrassed to look at him so boldly.

"Qiu'er also sings nice songs."

Lin Weiyue blinked, "Snow falls, don't you find it strange?"

Lin Weiyue is worried about whether she is out of tune, or people in this era don't like this kind of song.

"No, it's good. I heard this song for the first time. It's very nice."

Being admitted is a very happy thing.

And singing modern songs made Lin Weiyue feel that she was still connected to that era.

"Then, I will sing to you later, OK?"

"it is good."

From this day on, Lin Weiyue and Ye Xueluo started to chat and talk.

It was no longer her own words.

Sometimes, it was Lin Weiyue singing and Ye Xueluo blowing a flute.

Sometimes, Lin Weiyue plays the piano while singing, and Ye Xueluo plays the flute.

Lin Weiyue felt the touch of her soul as if someone could understand her inner world through music.

She seemed to never feel alone again.

In this world, there is another person who understands her and can accompany her.

Qin Xiao Ensemble, it turned out to be such a feeling.

Perhaps the sound is too beautiful. Sometimes, there are many birds on the trees in the courtyard, and they seem to be listening to music.

Lin Weiyue did not know that many people in the Princess Palace would automatically stop around here and listen to such beautiful tunes.

They sometimes hear beautiful songs, and they don’t know who sang them.

No one can imagine that the princess would sing, so I don’t even know.

They only knew that there was a talented girl in the courtyard of Night Master, whose voice was more pleasant than that of Huang Li. It was an intoxicating voice.

Many people in the Princess Palace seem to be getting used to it, and they hear good music here.

For these, Lin Weiyue did not know.

Beiming Qinghan had listened to the reports of his subordinates, but did not care.

But on this day, when he passed by, he heard the song from inside, and when he heard the sound of the piano inside, his footsteps paused, and his expression changed slightly.

He looked sideways, just a courtyard, and could not see other figures.

Others may not know it, but Beiming Qinghan knows that it is Lin Weiyue's voice.

He never knew when the princess would sing and play the piano?

Is it her?

In the heart of Beiming Qinghan, Lin Weiyue is really Princess Caobao.

Beiming Qinghan stayed here for a long time before stepping away.

When he was leaving, he faintly heard a cheerful voice inside.

Because of his great internal skills, he can hear sounds far away clearly.

Lin Weiyue didn’t know that there was Beiming Qinghan outside. She just played a piece of music and happily followed the night snow: "Snow falling, wait for your eyes to be okay, I will dance to see you, OK? I will teach you Dance a kind of dance, called ballroom dance, and beautiful clothes, I will find someone to do..."

No matter what Lin Weiyue said, Ye Xueluo is good.

This made Lin Weiyue feel that she was spoiled by Ye Xueluo.

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