Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4839: The most is the flying flower on earth (15)

What Lin Weiyue expects most every day is to get up early and fall here at night.

She remembered that when she went to college before, she wanted to sleep lazy every time, but she never wanted to get up early.

Here, because of the joy of her heart, because she is looking forward to every day, looking forward to seeing the figure and hearing his words, she wakes up naturally without anyone calling, let alone an alarm clock.

She will wash in a hurry, and then go to Ye Xueluo's yard to make breakfast for him.

Then the two have breakfast together.

She felt really warm.

Since she had to take care of Ye Xueluo's body, she was used to adjusting his nutrition and diet for three meals a day.

The people in the Princess Palace gradually learned that later, there will always be a scent in the courtyard of Ye Gongzi, which is the scent of food, which makes people have a big appetite.

After all, the food culture in this era is still a bit backward, and it can't be compared with modern times.

And Lin Weiyue's cooking is very good in modern times, in this era, it is impossible to pick.

Lin Weiyue even forgot that she was a princess, thinking she was Qiu'er and Qiu'er beside Ye Xueluo.

Many times, Lin Weiyue is also used to being around Ye Xueluo.

After almost recuperating Ye Xueluo's body, Lin Weiyue began to operate on Ye Xueluo.

She found the doctor who was her assistant.

The doctor knew that the princess would be able to heal. When Ye Xuexue's pulse was taken, he was shocked. His eyes widened, and he looked at Lin Weiyue with some admiration, his lips trembling, and he didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, Lin Weiyue explained the order from the beginning, and he didn't let him say anything.

So the doctor didn't reveal the stuff before Ye Xuexue.

Lin Weiyue trained him for a few days. The doctor deserved to be a famous doctor. He soon understood everything and admired Lin Weiyue even more.

He almost went to Lin Weiyue.

Lin Weiyue did not let him apprentice to the teacher, just what he wanted to learn and wanted to know, Lin Weiyue told him.

"I'm not trying to make you apprentice. I'm thinking that you will learn more medical knowledge in the future, which can help treat more people. In the future, you can also teach students, open medical halls, and help more people. "

The doctor shook his head with emotion and sighed: "The world has misunderstood the princess, in fact, the princess is the person who has great love and fraternity in her heart, and the princess is so good..."

"All right, how others see it is just a fake name, don't let the night son know that I am a princess."

"But, princess, night son's poison is clear, and your eyes will naturally see it. By then you will...not tell him your identity, maybe he will know how good your princess is."

Lin Weiyue was shocked when she heard this sentence.

She didn't know why, and by now, she was afraid to tell.

Maybe it's because I care, or maybe I'm afraid of losing it, so I dare not say it.

She didn't know how to explain to Ye Xueluo.

After all, she treated Ye Xueluo like that when she was a princess.

His sufferings and injuries are all related to her.

She can't always say that she is not a princess, no one believes such a thing.

She was afraid to say that Ye Xueluo would leave, and she could not even approach him as Qiuer.

I don't know when, her feeling of Ye Xueluo seems to have changed, and she no longer just wanted to cure him at first.

She actually wanted to stay with him all the time, because he made her feel very at ease.

Lin Weiyue thought and sighed.

She was troubled too!

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