Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4840: The most is the flying flower on earth (16)

Lin Weiyue looked at the direction of Ye Xue falling into the room in the distance, and his eyes were a little deep and complicated, like a mist.

She didn't know whether to talk to Ye Xueluo in the future, how to say it.

She was afraid to see Ye Xueluo's incredible look.

I don't know when, she had a different thought about Ye Xueluo.

He is the first person in this world she truly wants to be close to and trust.

The doctor looked at the princess so much, and looked at the direction of Ye Xue falling into the room. He seemed to understand something.

During this time, the princess was good to Ye Xue, he looked at him.

A good woman like a princess should be cherished if Ye Xueluo knows how to cherish it.

Not to mention the princess, even the ordinary women in the folk, did not think so much about adjusting their diet and nutrition three meals a day, three meals a day is different.

Even he ate a few meals with him, and the food was delicious. He had never eaten such a food in many places.

Although he really suffered a bit from Ye Xueluo, he should be cherished to get such a good treatment from the princess.

The princess is not only beautiful, but also kind, and she has many unique temperaments.

She never discriminates against anyone, is approachable to everyone, knows the medicine, and is willing to teach him, but also wants him to treat others.

Such kind and noble women are really rare.

On this day, Lin Weiyue was going to perform surgery on Ye Xueluo. After she was ready, her hand still shook slightly.

Ye Xueluo could feel her unsteady breath, gently reached out to hold her hand, and said softly, "Qiu'er, I believe you."

This sentence seemed to bring strength, calming Lin Weiyue's heart all at once.

"Snow falls, if... I mean if..."

Lin Weiyue is not sure, after all, the medical conditions in this era are really simple, and she can't guarantee it.

"If Qiu's feet are always bad, will Qiuer leave?"

Lin Weiyue shook his head hard, "No, I will not leave, I will be with you, and will surely cure you."

"So, I'm not afraid, and Qiu'er don't worry, just let go and do it."

"I...I'm surgery..."

"I believe you."

Just for this sentence, Lin Weiyue was touched and moved, and tears were flowing in his eyes.

This is the most touching word she heard in this era, just because of this trust.

When others say how bad this princess is, only what he sees is her heart, what she knows is her goodness.

Lin Weiyue settled her mind and drank the soup next to her. After replenishing her strength, she began to concentrate on the operation of Ye Xueluo.

The doctor next to him was also prepared to be an assistant.

As time passed, Lin Weiyue's forehead continued to sweat, and the doctor quickly wiped her sweat, and quickly took whatever equipment was needed.

There are no good anesthetics in this era. There are only some herbs that can't play much role. In fact, Ye Xueluo is also very painful.

But in order to make Qiuer don't worry and focus, he kept gritting his teeth and didn't grunt from beginning to end.

The doctor was amazed by the man's strong self-control, and really didn't even have a subtle voice.

After a few hours, Lin Weiyue was finally relieved.

She shook it and quickly helped her side. "Xue Luo, the operation should be very successful. Don't move. I will go to the rest and let the doctor take care of you first."

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