Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4847: The most is the flying flower on earth (23)

Ye Xueluo had too many emotions in her heart at this moment, and perhaps anger was not enough to describe his mood at this moment.

Ye Xueluo's body was tight and tight.

He looked back at the courtyard here again, then turned around and left without hesitation.

Doctor Liu watched Ye Xueluo leave, strangely, and then, he seemed to think of something, shouting, "Yongzi, Yezi... where are you going, where are you going..."

"Leave the Princess House."

"But princess she, princess she..."

Doctor Liu wanted to say that the princess became better afterwards, and gave back to the night son for treatment.

Ye Xueluo shook his head and said hoarsely: "Don't say it."

Falling on such a sentence, Ye Xue fell directly on her toes and left with light work.

Like a gust of wind, it disappeared in place.

Doctor Liu opened his eyes wide, and for a while he couldn't recover.

He was thinking, what did Yezi mean, did he tell the princess to leave?

In addition, the night boy walked so quickly and quickly, whether it was a tree or a door, he avoided it very accurately.

Could it be said that Yezi's eyes can be seen clearly?

Doctor Liu was startled, and he understood what he was thinking in a trance.

In other words, Young Master knew that Qiu'er was a princess and saw clearly, so she left?

But the princess is sincere to the night boy, and the princess is so good that it is not fake at all.

No wonder the night boy just spoke like that.

Dr. Liu patted his head fiercely, this... what mood would this princess be?

He followed with anxiety.


When Lin Weiyue woke up, he rubbed his head.

She looked at the room, remembering something drunk last night.

Thinking of Ye Xueluo holding her here, she couldn't help but whip a smile.

But she looked up at the sunlight outside, as if she had slept for a long time.

Lin Weiyue got up, cleaned up, and walked out of the yard.

She saw Doctor Liu sitting on the stone bench, dazed there.

"Doctor Liu, did you see the snow fall?"

Doctor Liu looked at the smile on the corner of the princess's mouth and didn't know what to say.

It turned out that the princess didn't know that Yezi had left.

Doctor Liu doesn't know how to tell the princess.

Lin Weiyue looked at the look on Dr. Liu's face and smiled, "Did Xue Xue what happened to him?"

Dr. Liu covered his head and said, "I saw him in the morning."

Lin Weiyue's heart jumped suddenly, "And then?"

She grabbed Dr. Liu's shoulder, "Hurry, then what?"

"He may be able to see clearly. He may know that you are the princess or Qiu'er, and then he left. His light skills are very powerful. I haven't spoken yet, and he left."

When Lin Weiyue heard these words, she only felt a thunder flash over her head.

She stumbled back.

She murmured in a trance: "Are you gone? There is no question, no explanation, and he said nothing?"

While whispering, Lin Weiyue's eyes were red, and her heart was so painful that she couldn't help but want to cry.

Why, why not leave without saying a word?

Why not even ask a question?

Why not listen to her explanation?

Is it just because she is a princess?

Doesn't he see her heart clearly during the time between them?

Is it so important that she is a princess?

Ye Xueluo is gone, but what about her heart? Take her heart away.

When Lin Weiyue was in modern times, she had never been in love. Ye Xueluo was the one who gave her a sense of security in this era and the one she liked!

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