Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4848: The most is the flying flower on earth (24)

Lin Weiyue thought, she actually didn't feel much about this era, but the existence of Ye Xueluo made her like this era.

But he just disappeared.

Use light power.

Oh, yes, there is still light merit in this era.

She didn't know where he came from or what his identity was.

She just wanted to find it, and she didn't know where to look.

And if she finds Ye Xueluo again as a princess, Ye Xueluo must think she is the same as her predecessor.

She never thought that Xue Luo would leave overnight, and she didn't even listen to her explanation.

Can't the princess get better?

Is the trust between them so weak?

"He didn't look back?"

Doctor Liu hesitated and said: "Princess, you may have given you some deep-rooted impressions, so... so he will not understand, he will..."

Lin Weiyue shook his head, "Don't say, you don't need to comfort me, even your doctor can trust me, but he doesn't trust, hehe..."

Lin Weiyue said, smiling, and then in a trance, step by step left the courtyard and walked towards her courtyard.

"Princess, princess..."

Lin Weiyue's head hurts, and he felt very uncomfortable. "Don't follow me, let me be alone..."

As Lin Weiyue walked, she thought about the moment she and Ye Xue fell together.

Was she wishful thinking alone?

She was still stupid, really stupid.

After all, Lin Weiyue is still a little girl, a person who has never been in love, and is still very vulnerable.

She walked and walked, and she burst into tears.

She cried in tears.

Lin Weiyue walked with her head down, her tears flowing out uncontrollably.

She didn't want to cry, but she couldn't help it.

Is she going to be alone again? She was scared of being alone, and of no one who could speak.

She can talk to many people, but what about people she trusts?

Lin Weiyue walked in a trance, she only looked down at the road and looked at nothing.

She did not see that she had just passed by Beiming Qinghan.

Beiming Qinghan came down from Chaotang today and saw a figure staggering and walking in a trance.

His sight is good, and he can be recognized as a princess.

It's just a princess in a maid dress and plain clothes.

Beiming Qinghan walked a few steps, stood still, and did not move.

He looked at Lin Weiyue like this and saw her wiping her tears.

Beiming Qinghan slightly moved, he realized that the princess was crying.

If it was before, Beiming Qinghan might avoid the princess.

But today, Beiming Qinghan didn't move, he just stood and looked at it, maybe even he didn't realize that his eyes stayed on the princess for too long.

Moreover, Lin Weiyue passed by like this, without looking at him at all, or not noticing him.

Lin Weiyue really does not know that there are others around her.

She was completely immersed in her emotions.

Weeping no more.

Lin Weiyue returned to her room, closed the door, and lay on the bed, crying alone.

She could finally understand that in the past, Huang Qingwu was in love.

When I feel uncomfortable, I can't help crying.

But crying doesn't make you feel better.

She was very hurt, and she wanted to dig out her heart. If she didn't care, wouldn't it be uncomfortable?

Lin Weiyue covered her head and kept crying.

When she was lonely, she really wanted to go back to modern times.

She is leaving this era.

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