Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4849: The most is the flying flower on earth (25)

Lin Weiyue can't wait to leave this era.

She also missed her good friend Huang Qingwu. When she returned to modern times, she must let Huang Qingwu change the plot of that book.

Lin Weiyue's face was full of tears.

All crying are out of breath.

She looked at the room and began to be in a trance, thinking about leaving the era by suicide.

Lin Weiyue couldn't find the scissors in the room for a long time.

She can only break the teacup, and she must cut her wrist when holding the teacup.

She is actually afraid of pain, especially bleeding a lot.

But she tried the jump river, it didn't work.

Lin Weiyue took a deep breath and thought of everything modern, computers and mobile phones, and many modern things.

She thought, back to the present, with so many entertainment programs, she would forget everything here.

Thinking about it, Lin Weiyue smiled, and then cut her wrist with a hard heart.

Just when she was about to cut her wrist, she didn't know where to fly a stone from the air and knocked off Lin Weiyue's fragments.

Lin Weiyue didn't cut open the wrist while cutting it, but still swiped, it hurt a lot.

Lin Weiyue didn't have much courage when she started again.

As soon as it hurts, she has recovered a little.

She thought that such a method might really not work. She should think about other methods, such as what kind of master is there in this era.

Lin Weiyue thought about going to an expert.

But she is in pain now and she needs to relieve it.

Lin Weiyue asked people to bring wine, she shut herself in the room and started drinking bottle by bottle.

She went to bed when she was drunk and drunk, woke up, continued to drink after eating...


In fact, when she cut her wrist that day, the person who broke her debris was Bihen, who was beside Beiming Qinghan.

When Bizhen went back to report to Beiming Qinghan, he felt the coldness of Shizi.

"Look at her, don't let her make a life."


Bizhen didn't know whether Shizi really cared about the princess.

But they didn't want the princess to die. After all, the princess jumped on the river last time and almost died. The emperor ordered it. The princess had three lengths and two shorts.

Including pony horses, that is their sons.

In fact, the emperor's order was to beat Shizi to make Shizi treat the princess better.

"By the way, Master, that, when the princess was drinking, she still read a name, and her subordinates listened. It seemed to be the name of the night son. The subordinate inquired. When the night son was ready, he left."

"Well, I know, go on!"


Lin Weiyue stayed in her room for half a month, and when she came out of the room again, she lost weight all around.

Originally the princess was a little fat, but at this time, Lin Weiyue was really beautiful when she lost weight.

In particular, she wore a plain coat, her hair was simply tied up, and when the wind blew, there was a sense of tenderness that was blown away by the wind, and the whole person's temperament changed.

A lot of people looked at such princesses in a daze.

Lin Weiyue looked up at the sky and took a deep breath.

It took so long to develop a good amount of wine, and finally it was not so painful.

She smiled self-deprecatingly, then closed her eyes and told herself in her heart that she said goodbye to Ye Xueluo.

She was not a predecessor, so she couldn't help but feel the night snow fell.

Instead, Ye Xueluo left, destroying the emotion between them.

She is a modern woman, she must be strong.

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