Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4850: The most is the flying flower on earth (26)

Lin Weiyue shook her head, she decided to forget Ye Xue.

After leaving the room, Lin Weiyue ordered to shovel the yard where Ye Xue had been, and then dig a pond to raise fish. Everyone was a little surprised by the decision of the princess, but everyone still had to obey the order.

Doctor Liu sighed and listened to the order, only thinking that Ye Zizi would regret it later.

The princess is so good, but Ye Xueluo didn't cherish it.

Maybe when the night snow falls to calm down and find out that the princess is good, it was a little late at that time?

During this time, the pain of the princess can be seen by all of them.

But the woman finally came out. Although she was haggard, she looked pretty good.

Lin Weiyue then ordered that people be found in the country.

Then Lin Weiyue asked people to find the concubine Beiming Qingqing.

"I was waiting for him in the pavilion of the green bamboo forest. After an hour, if he didn't come, I would leave."

Lin Weiyue wanted to solve some things in her predecessor, and her feelings were too painful.

Especially this pony, is a ruthless character in the book.

Even if Lin Weiyue wanted to go back to modern times, it was her own decision, but she didn't want the pony to hack her.

After receiving orders from his subordinates, Beiming Qinghan's eyes flashed a deep light.

If before, he could guess what the princess wanted to do.

But now, what the princess is thinking about and what to do, he really can't guess.

"Master, are you going?"

"Go, see what she is going to do."

Beiming Qinghan could feel that the current princess might have really changed, completely different from what he had known before.

If it is a person pretending, in order to attract his attention, you can pretend to be a few days.

But it has been two months since she jumped into the river.

It’s the same way for a person for two months, then she may be really different.

How about seeing you.

Lin Weiyue was in the pavilion, drinking water, listening to the wind, and looking at the scenery of the princess's palace, her expression was a little sad.

In fact, since she came to this world, she hasn't really taken a good look at all the scenery.

She was busy treating Ye Xueluo every day, and she was drinking every day for half a month.

Now calm down, take a look at the scenery, and found that the mood is actually not so heavy, you can be so relaxed.

In the future, she can report to her father, mother, and empress. She goes out for a turn, looks at the mountains and water, and sees the pure green natural beauty of ancient times.

When the time comes to look for a master, maybe she will really return to modern times.

In the past, when the night snow fell, Lin Weiyue had a sense of home for this era.

But now that there is no night snow falling, she will not allow herself to think about night snow falling again, so she must return to modern times.

Lin Weiyue thought about it and heard the sound of the leaves. She looked back, it was Beiming Qinghan.

Lin Weiyue's eyes flickered, and she didn't expect that Beiming Qinghan would really appear.

She asked about Beiming Qinghan, just to show her attitude, Beiming Qinghan did not come, she also wanted to give the book to Beiming Qinghan.

Unexpectedly, he really came.

Lin Weiyue's expression was faint, without any expression.

She doesn't believe in emotions now, and Beiming Qinghan has what his purple lady in her heart, she knows very well.

Even if there is no Miss Zi, I don’t know if he will wait to see her princess!

The corner of Lin Weiyue's mouth evoked a slightly sarcastic arc.

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