Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4851: The most is the flying flower on earth (27)

After Lin Weiyue went to the pavilion in the Qing Dynasty, he stood up and said, "The world is here, please!"

Such an unfamiliar title made Beiming Qinghan's footsteps follow.

His eyes looked deeply at Lin Weiyue, as if to see the depth of her heart through her eyes.

However, Lin Weiyue's expression was very cold, as if nothing in her eyes.

Lin Weiyue knows that Beiming Qinghan is very beautiful, precious and dusty, elegant and charming, what is the first son and the first beautiful boy.

But now her mind is not on them at all, what she is thinking about is returning to modern times.

So she looked at Beimingqinghan just like watching the scenery.

After all, Beiming Qinghan is the son of the king of Anding, and he has a strong emotional control. He said quietly: "His Royal Highness Princess!"

"sit down."

Beiming Qinghan sat down elegantly, showing your son's good habits in every move. It was really like the scenery. Every move was so pleasing to the eye.

Lin Weiyue's eyes flashed and said: "Shizi, I won't turn the corner anymore. I'm calling you to tell you one thing, that is, the problem with Lishu. I know that you are very unwilling to be a concubine. Of course maybe my princess is very bad in your eyes."

When talking about this, Lin Weiyue's tone was self-deprecating.

But it doesn't matter, after she went to see the scenery and returned to modern times, everything here has nothing to do with her.

"That's it, I'm not talking nonsense. I say to you and to leave the book is to give and leave the book, let you be free. From now on, if you walk your single bridge, I cross my Kangzhuang Avenue."

Lin Weiyue will naturally go to the Kangzhuang Avenue, and the Dumu Bridge will give Beiming Qinghan a go!

Anyway, this kind of person will also be light.

Lin Weiyue felt that after she said this sentence, the whole person relaxed.

In Lin Weiyue's heart, Beiming Qinghan is not a horse, but a problem she wants to solve.

Beiming Qinghan Qinggong is very good, so Lin Weiyue's small, slight sigh of relief, he heard clearly.

Beiming Qinghan This time can be sure that Lin Weiyue is serious.

Beiming Qinghan felt that Lin Weiyue had not played cards according to common sense, which was completely different from what he had imagined.

To be precise, Beiming Qinghan was not prepared at all.

"Princess, this..."

"Why, are you still afraid of Princess Ben's remorse? Princess Ben said, free for you, and don't you like your Miss Purple? You can be with her."

I don't know why, feeling that Lin Weiyue can't wait to clear his relationship with him, which makes Beiming Qinghan very uncomfortable.

Beiming Qinghan didn't understand, a person's feelings would change as soon as they changed.

"In the beginning, it was the princess who had to marry Weichen. Now the princess says she will separate. Has the princess considered the political situation?"

Lin Weiyue blinked, "Does this have anything to do with the political situation? At first, I might think you are very good, embarrassing you, but this time, I really think clearly. If you are worried about my father, If you are over there, you can rest assured that I will go into the palace and ask the father and emperor to have a decree."

Whether Lin Weiyue spoke or acted, Beiming Qinghan was caught off guard.

Beiming Qinghan had a headache. He rubbed his eyebrows and then said softly: "I can ask the princess, why? Why did you make this decision because Ye Xuelu left?"

Speaking of Ye Xueluo, Lin Weiyue Rao calmed down again, his face still followed a white.

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