Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4856: The most is the flying flower on earth (32)

Everyone occasionally stunned when they set their sights on Lin Weiyue's paintings.

Such a beautiful painting was painted by Princess Caobao?

Not even the legendary Song painting master can draw such a picture.

It's really beautiful.

Such a painting is really hard to find!

Shock is not enough to describe everyone's mood.

Beiming Qinghan's expression is even deeper and deeper, with too much emotion in it.

He found out that he had blinded his eyes before and really didn't understand the princess.

Along the way, she was too quiet to speak much, let alone stick to him.

Lin Weiyue was painting by the river. When very focused, a black man suddenly emerged from the river. The black man burst out with a sword in his hand and began to stab.

Lin Weiyue, a modern woman, has never seen such a **** scene.

She was really scared.

She gradually discovered that these people seemed to assassinate her.

Beiming Qinghan directly took Lin Weiyue in his arms and protected her from circling with the assassin.

Lin Weiyue wanted to struggle.

This embrace is very elegant and smells good, but she instinctively wants to leave.

She didn't want to touch her heart, let alone move her heart.

"Don't move, don't watch!"

Beiming Qinghan's voice is very serious, with a trace of gentleness in the seriousness.

Lin Weiyue could smell the blood, but she could feel that this man was actually very careful.

He is actually not that bad.

Perhaps it was because the story in the book made her preconceived, so she rejected Beiming Qinghan.

If Beiming Qinghan is very good, she can actually influence him, persuade him, maybe he will not rebel, and she will not kill her princess.

Lin Weiyue felt like she was dangling, having a feeling of riding a roller coaster.

She looked down, so high!

It turned out that this is the ancient light power.

There are many assassins, but they are all solved by Beiming Qinghan and the people he leads.

In any case, Lin Weiyue is still very grateful to Beiming Qinghan.

"No thanks, I should have protected you."

Lin Weiyue looked at Beiming Qinghan so tired, thinking of so many assassins, and those **** smells, her face was pale.

At night, everyone had no appetite, and Lin Weiyue took the initiative to borrow the kitchen of the bed and breakfast and made a sumptuous dinner table.

"Everyone worked hard today, and eat more."

Everyone looked at the princess in shock.

Princess cooking?

Was the princess really cooking?

Not only for the horses, but also for these people?

Is the princess so good?

It's so good?

And the most important thing is, the princess will cook? The princess cooks herself as a descendant?

How deep is the affection for the concubine!

It turns out that the princess doesn't like pony horses? It just didn't show it, it just changed the way.

Everyone took a look at Beiming Qinghan

Beiming Qinghan looked at the food at a table and smelled a scent, he thought of his life in the Princess Palace.

At that time, Lin Weiyue often went to Ye Xueluo's yard.

He took a deep look at Lin Weiyue.

Lin Weiyue was a little embarrassed, "Everyone eats more, try it, and it doesn't fit your appetite."

In fact, Lin Weiyue is also very confident. After all, the cuisine of this era is not as rich as modern.

But she is not sure whether Beiming Qinghan likes to eat.

After all, Beiming Qinghan is the prince of Wangfu, and all he eats is mountain and seafood! I don't know if I can eat this kind of home-cooked meal.

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