Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4857: The most is the flying flower on earth (33)

Lin Weiyue hadn't really thought about making meals along the way.

And since she cooked for Ye Xueluo, she never thought of cooking for others.

But in such a dangerous situation today, Beiming Qinghan rescued her.

Compared with life, what a meal.

What if she is a princess!

If these people did not care about her life or death, she would have been shot directly by the arrow.

Lin Weiyue was still very restrained while sitting at the table.

The big guy looked at a table full of flavours and fragrances, and wondered whether to use chopsticks.

The main reason is that the master Beiming Qinghan did not move, they did not dare to move, let alone eat.

This is the princess's meal!

It almost shocked everyone's eyes.

Everyone didn't even know what to say to express the mood at this time.

Lin Weiyue blinked and looked at everyone, "Aren't it unpleasant? Everyone try it, the taste should be good."

Remember, when she was in the princess palace, Dr. Liu often praised her for the delicious food.

Beiming Qinghanqingrun said: "Let's eat!"

Everyone was relieved and expressed their gratitude to the princess Lin Weiyue.

In fact, along the way, Lin Weiyue was as approachable as possible. The big guy had already changed his attitude towards the princess, but the princess's identity was there. They still had to be respectful.

But their true loyal master is Shi Ming Bei Qing Qing Han.

As long as Shizi is good to the princess, they will respectfully respect the princess.

If Shizi had a bad attitude towards the princess, they would not respect Lin Weiyue much.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the status of Lin Weiyue, the royal princess, is really not as good as that of a royal man in the royal palace.

After Beiming Qinghan ate a bite, everyone began to move chopsticks one after another.

Lin Weiyue looked at Beiming Qinghan's expression and looked at his reaction, wondering how the food tasted for him.

Lin Weiyue didn't know that when she stared at people without blinking, her eyes were really smart and beautiful.

Bei Ming Qing Han looked at Shang Lin Wei Yue, his throat rolled down.

Lin Weiyue looked at Beiming Qinghan's calm expression, and felt that his eyes were so deep that people could not discern emotions.

Lin Weiyue couldn't help but asked, "How is it, still appetizing?"

Beiming Qinghan looked at Lin Weiyue deeply in this way, with a deep and complex light in his eyes, still hiding a lot of emotions, very deep, but also with fog, Lin Weiyue could not distinguish too many emotions inside.

But she felt that Beiming Qinghan's eyes seemed to be whirlpools and could devour everything.

She felt that her heart and soul would be swallowed.

She hurriedly looked away and set her eyes on the dish.

Beiming Qinghanqingyou said: "Well, very good."

Lin Weiyue was relieved and liked to eat. At least she expressed her gratitude to the life-saving benefactor in this way.

Lin Weiyue started to pick dishes as if she were in modern times.

This time, she ate food for Beiming Qinghan, "You try this, and this..."

Lin Weiyue's natural pickled vegetables served Beiming Qinghan and let him taste it.

Just after attending college, when she was hanging out with Huang Qingwu, the two of them cooked together and ate dishes for her friends.

Even at home, she will serve food for her loved ones.

Lin Weiyue's movements are natural, but to the people around them, they are really shocked.

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