Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4861: The most is the flying flower on earth (37)

Bei Ming Qing Han looked at Lin Weiyue's sigh of relief, and for the first time he felt a very strange feeling in his heart.

He understands that today's princess may be really not used to contact him.

Otherwise, she will not listen to him going back, she will be relieved.

After Beiming Qinghan got up and left, Lin Weiyue relaxed completely.

She lay on the bed, covered her quilt, and looked at her picture.

The more I look, the more I miss the modern camera, and I miss everything modern.

Thinking about it, Lin Weiyue burst into tears.

She is really lonely, the scenery here is beautiful, but there are too many dangers, and her heart is really lonely.

Lin Weiyue thought of the assassination during the day and dared not to blow candles at night.

She lit the candle and went to bed.

At first it was really impossible to fall back and forth, forgive her for being timid and still scared.

Bei Ming Qinghan looked at the news just sent by his subordinates in the room. He had good ear power and could hear the movement next door.

I can hear Lin Weiyue lying in bed and tossing and turning, seeming to have been unable to sleep.

He put the message paper down and walked out and saw the light in Lin Weiyue's room still lit.

It's past midnight, and she hasn't slept yet?

Bei Ming Qinghan went to the door of Lin Weiyue's room unconsciously, reaching for a knock, but he still didn't move.

He stood outside for a while, optimistic, protected in secret, and then returned to the house.

Lin Weiyue didn't know when she fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, she felt a chill, and there was still some movement, and she sat up at once.

Immediately afterwards, a **** smell filled the tip of the nose.


Lin Weiyue saw the man in black lying on the ground in a pool of blood and yelled in shock.

Beiming Qinghan embraced Lin Weiyue, "Don't be afraid!"

He had been so quiet that he did not expect Lin Weiyue to be so vigilant and woke up.

If I knew it, I had ordered her acupuncture points first.

But it was really too late.

Why do these people kill Lin Weiyue one by one?

Lin Weiyue, a modern man, really can't see these scenes.

She leaned on Beiming Qinghan's arms in shock, shaking all the time.

Bei Ming Qinghan looked at Lin Weiyue, his heart was very soft, his fingers stiffened, and then gently patted Lin Weiyue's back.

"Don't be afraid, don't worry, the assassins will be solved."

Beiming Qinghan said, picking up a flute in his arms and blowing it down.

Fighting sounds began to come from outside.

Lin Weiyue had been pulling Beiming Qinghan's sleeves, "Those...who are those...why...why would they appear."

"do not worry."

"Why would they kill me?"

Lin Weiyue is afraid of being afraid, but as a modern man, he still has reason.

She didn't understand why these people wanted to kill her.

"I haven't found it out yet. These people should be killer organizations. The principal behind them needs to be investigated."

Lin Weiyue listened to Beiming Qinghan's explanation, and she was not calm.

She suddenly felt that she was well protected in the princess house.

She is still too naive. This era is really not modern, it is a highly feudal society.

Murder here is normal.

Here is the right to live well with power and ability.

Like her, it is a princess. If you leave the royal family and no one is protecting you, it is really easy to be assassinated.

If there was no Beiming Qinghan along the way, she might have been assassinated.

At this moment, Lin Weiyue realized the strong difference between this era and modern times.

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