Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4862: The most is the flying flower on earth (38)

Even though Lin Weiyue tried hard to keep calm, she was still trembling and fearing deep down.

Because this is not the time you feel when you read a, you will not feel how **** and sloppy it is again.

But now, she is really in this era.

I really saw the killing, smelled the **** smell, felt the fragility of life, and felt the fear.

She couldn't describe this feeling, but she couldn't keep calm in her heart.

She used to be too naive in the past, before thinking about going to the north and south of the river by herself.

If it is not for the father emperor to stop, she is estimated to have been killed on the road!

Only then did she realize that she was not a person who strayed into time and space, but was in this era.

She has the status of a princess, even if she regards herself as an ordinary person, those killers, those who are behind do not regard her as an ordinary person.

It turned out that someone wanted to kill her.

Not like modern.

Lin Weiyue didn't know who wanted to kill her.

She felt that maybe her predecessor had done something to make some people hate her and kill her.

But who is it?

At this moment, Lin Weiyue also realized the importance of power, and she needed her subordinates.

If she wants to protect herself, she must have subordinates.

She cannot rely on others blindly.

Beiming Qinghan has been patting Lin Weiyue's back gently, giving her silent comfort.

Maybe there was someone around her who could protect her, Lin Weiyue gradually felt a sense of security.

She quietly looked up to see Beiming Qinghan, seeing his calm brows, and her elegant and snowy face.

Looking up close, Lin Weiyue realized the charm of this man.

No wonder the predecessor was so infatuated.

Maybe it was because Beiming Qinghan saved her, maybe it was because at this moment, she was so lonely in different time and space.

She could not help but rely on this warm embrace.

Even if it depends only for a while.

Beiming Qinghan felt Lin Weiyue's movements, his body stiffened.

He stiffened and brought Lin Weiyue closer.

If it was before, Beiming Qinghan had already thrown Lin Weiyue out.

But at this moment, he tried to make his body soft and try to make Lin Weiyue less stiff when leaning.

Lin Weiyue closed her eyes and said, "Beijing Qinghan is cold, thank you."

Thank you for this, Lin Weiyue said sincerely, she is really grateful to Beiming Qinghan.

This sentence is different from the usual indifference and alienation. At this moment, her voice is soft and calm, making people listen, and there will be a different feeling in her heart.

Beiming Qinghan's throat moved, "No need to thank, protecting you is my duty."

Lin Weiyue will not naively think that this sentence is true.

If Beiming Qinghan is unwilling to protect her, she can die as well.

Beiming Qinghan is the son of King Ding'an. He holds heavy soldiers in his hand. Even if one of her princess dies, the father emperor will not treat him like that.

Otherwise, when the water fell, Beiming Qinghan didn't care about the life and death of its predecessor.

One of Lin Weiyue's advantages is to recognize current affairs.

She has always felt that there is one sentence that is right, that is, the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie.

She felt that along the way, she should try to make a good relationship with Beiming Qinghan.

Before finding an expert, she must rely on this powerful pony and try to live alive.

Yes, at this moment, Lin Weiyue understands deeply what she needs to do to work hard.

And Beiming Qinghan gave her different feelings to the book.

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