Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4873: The most is the flying flower on earth (49)

As soon as Lin Weiyue finished speaking, Lengfengya and Beiming Qinghan were silent.

When Beiming Qinghan looked at Lin Weiyue, his eyes were gloomy and complicated.

Lin Weiyue touched his face, "I... is there anything weird about what I said?"

Bei Ming Qinghan sighed: "Why should I find such a person?"

Lin Weiyue pursed her lips and wanted to compile a reason.

But under the eyes of Beiming Qinghan, she felt that she had nothing to hide, as if all lies could not be said.

She lowered her head and said: "I have a lot of tangled problems in my heart, I want to get advice."

Leng Fengya said: "You can tell us that we may be able to help you."

Lin Weiyue shook his head calmly, "I don't hide from you, I just wanted to find such a person when I came out. Even if you can't help, I will find it myself."

At this moment, Lin Weiyue exuded a sad taste.

Her breath changed suddenly.

Not as cheerful as before, as if she had a lot of melancholy.

Looking at her like this, people's hearts were picked up.

Beiming Qinghan stretched out her hand to cover her hand, "There are so many assassins along the way to kill you, you alone, how can I rest assured."

When Beiming Qinghan put her hand on the back of her hand, Lin Weiyue felt a warmth passed to her through her hand.

At this moment, she seemed to see Beiming Qinghan worried about seeing his tenderness.

Lin Weiyue's heart trembled, could she believe him?

The two people stared at each other like this.

Leng Fengya looked at it, sour in heart, he still quietly gave the space to two people.

When he walked out of the door, he looked up at the sky. If...if Beiming Qinghan didn't cherish it, let him cherish it!

But obviously he might think too much.

Beiming Qinghan is not stupid, you can see Lin Weiyue's good.

The two lived together, and the appearance of Beiming Qinghan completely cared about the princess.

But what about Miss Zi?

That was Taifu's granddaughter, who was also a fiancee in the cold winter.

Remember, Beiming Qinghan has a good relationship with this fiancee.

I heard that in order to protect this fiancee, he had to promise the emperor to marry him.

Otherwise, the status of King Ding'an can be completely resisted.

Leng Fengya thought a lot, and suddenly felt that the princess's situation was actually quite distressing.

But a bystander can't do anything.


Inside the house

Lin Weiyue looked at Beiming Qinghan with some touch, and her eyes gleamed with eerie light, "Qinghan..."

"You want to find an expert, I will accompany you, I remember the area south of the river, there is Master Xuanmiao at the peak of the green forest, it should be the person you are looking for."

After Beiming Qinghan finished, Lin Weiyue was excited.

She stood up and grabbed Beiming Qinghan's arm tightly. "Really, is it true?"

Beiming Qinghan nodded, saw the bright light in Lin Weiyue's eyes, saw her smile, he couldn't help but smile lightly.

Lin Weiyue looked at Beiming Qinghan and nodded, hugged him happily, "Qinghan, thank you, thank you so much."

When Lin Weiyue was excited, she didn't pay attention to hug Beiming Qinghan tightly, her head rubbing **** his neck.

Bei Ming Qing Han looked at Lin Weiyue who was as happy as the child, and his mood became better.

He said softly and softly, "Fool, so happy?"

"Of course I am happy, then let's go to Jiangnan as soon as possible. Let's set off!"

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