Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4874: The most is the flying flower on earth (50)

Lin Weiyue's eyebrows all opened, and she smiled happily.

What Lin Weiyue thinks is to go back to modern times and find a master, she may be modern.

She doesn't have to be in such an era.

Thinking about it, Lin Weiyue looked back at Beiming Qinghan.

She smiled slightly in the face of Qingbei's soft and cold eyes.

Beiming Qinghan he...

Lin Weiyue felt a little bit reluctant.

This man doesn't give her the feeling of thinness like in the book, he actually has a gentle side.

If he knew that he was leaving, would he still take her to find it?

Lin Weiyue looked at Beiming Qinghan deeply and smiled self-deprecatingly. Maybe she thought more, maybe she was more affectionate herself. Just like when she treated Ye Xuexue at first.

She thought that what she thought was not necessarily what the other person thought.

Just like Beiming Qinghan, he protects her to treat her well, maybe just because she is a princess, maybe because of responsibility, her father and emperor let him protect her!

Because of the night when snow fell, Lin Weiyue did not dare to believe in a person's goodness, and did not dare to judge whether a person was sincere.

She wouldn't ask silly.

At this moment, Lin Weiyue looked at Beiming Qinghan like this, maybe they both contained too much emotion in each other's eyes. Lin Weiyue felt a heartbeat in the sight of Beiming Qinghan.

She has to admit in her heart that Beiming Qinghan is very attractive.

But she is leaving this era.

The two looked at each other and didn't speak.

Lin Weiyue's breath was tight, she turned her head slightly, avoiding the sight of Beiming Qinghan, and coughed: "Let's set off soon!"

Beiming Qinghan Qingrun said: "You just woke up, eat some food first, eat good food, we set off on the road."

Lin Weiyue nodded, "Thank you."

Beiming Qinghan was not used to Lin Weiyue's sudden polite alienation, "The princess need not say thanks."

Lin Weiyue touched her hair, "You can call me Weiyue in the future, so it's convenient to call it simply."

Lin Weiyue listened to those titles and felt too polite.

Beiming Qinghan's throat moved. He chewed these two words in his heart, and his heart felt a soft feeling.

"Wei Yue."

Lin Weiyue shivered at the words.

When obviously going to college before, many people called her like this, she didn't think her name was so nice.

But today, I heard from Beiming Qinghan's mouth, listening to the low-alcoholic and moisturizing title, I just felt so beautiful.

She never knew her name was so nice.

Weiyue, Weiyue...

She even wanted to listen to it a few more times.

Not only was Lin Weiyue touched, but Beiming Qinghan also had a very delicate feeling in his heart.

Because for Beiming Qinghan, such a change of title is really a little intimate.

In this era, it is really intimate to call a woman's name directly.

He has been with the princess for so long, to be honest, he has never been so close.

Lin Weiyue looked at Beiming Qinghan, her face slightly red.

Not knowing that she blushed like this, in the eyes of Beiming Qinghan, she really has a unique beauty.

Lin Weiyue could feel Beiming Qinghan's sight on her, "Let's eat first!"

"Okay, what do you want to eat, I'll let someone prepare."

Lin Weiyue shook his head, "I will cook breakfast for you!"

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