Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4875: The most is the flying flower on earth (51)

When Lin Weiyue talked about making breakfast, her eyebrows were wide and she smiled, her whole body was bright and moving.

There is a cheerful atmosphere in the room.

Beiming Qinghan was not willing to let Lin Weiyue cook breakfast.

He couldn't help but touch Lin Weiyue's hair. "You didn't take a rest yesterday. You have to hurry today, don't get tired."

"It's not tiring to cook. I'll cook breakfast. I'll make a few breakfasts that you can't see on weekdays."

That being said, Lin Weiyue also missed the modern snacks very much. It has been a long time since I came to this era.

Bei Ming Qinghan looked at Lin Weiyue as cheerful as the little girl, but only felt that Lin Weiyue had too many different looks and many temperaments.

You simply don't know what she will look like in the next second.

Sometimes you look at her and smile, but in fact her smile does not reach the bottom of your eyes, you will feel that she is far away from you.

You will feel that her eyes have traveled through many places, even if you are looking at you, she may fall far away.

Beiming Qinghan feels that Lin Weiyue is really like the wind.

He couldn't tell why he felt this way.

Bei Ming Qinghan watched Lin Weiyue about to walk out of the door, and suddenly his heart tightened. He reached out and grabbed Lin Weiyue's wrist.

The temperature at which the skin touches makes both people feel the same.

It seemed as though the current had suddenly reached the position of their hearts.

Lin Weiyue's body froze.

She said with some confusion: "Qing Han?"

Beiming Qinghan's eyes deepened, "I'll cook."

Lin Weiyue heard this sentence and opened her eyes in surprise.

This, this prince, can you really cook?

Isn't this an era that pays attention to what a gentleman is far from cooking?

Lin Weiyue recovered from the shock and followed Beiming Qinghan to the kitchen.

She tilted her head and looked surprised, unable to believe it.

Beiming Qinghan saw her and smiled, "Come in!"

Lin Weiyue blinked and looked at him: "Really cook?"

Bei Ming Qing Han looked at Lin Weiyue's cute look, and couldn't help but want to tease her, "If you do, you will know if you will do it."

Lin Weiyue couldn't figure out the meaning of Beiming Qinghan, "So... what if it's not good?"

"I do not want to eat?"

"No, no, you rarely cook. I have to eat everything."

Just after Lin Weiyue finished speaking, she saw Beiming Qinghan skillfully kneading noodles and chopping vegetables...

It's exactly the same as a piece of art, and the extremely thin filaments are all the same fine, and the small doughs that are kneaded are so beautiful.

Lin Weiyue felt so cute, she couldn't help but reach out and touch it.

"it's beautiful."

"Want to give it a try?"

"Well, I didn't see clearly how this little animal came out."

Bei Mingqing Han reached out and taught Lin Weiyue.

When the fingers touched, Beiming Qinghan was a bit unnatural at first, but Lin Weiyue's attention was completely attracted by the dough animal in his hand.

"I remembered that the dim sum I ate last night was like this. Did you make it?"

"Look at what you like to eat, so make more and bring it along the way."

Hearing this sentence, Lin Weiyue was really moved.

Lin Weiyue opened her mouth and wanted to ask why she was so good to her.

But thinking of Ye Xueluo, she did not ask the exit after all.

Because she couldn't believe it.

Even touched, there is a trace of reason in her heart, so that she will not fall into this gentleness.

"Thank you, thank you."

"Why are you saying thanks again, don't say these two words in the future."

"Okay, but why did you do this? Are you not a prince?"

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