Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4876: The most is the flying flower on earth (52)

Lin Weiyue's words gave Beiming Qinghan a hand movement.

Lin Weiyue watched, and the expression of Beiming Qinghan changed instantly.

His look was bitter and reminiscent.

Lin Weiyue looked at this kind of Beiming Qinghan and suddenly realized that she was wrong.

"Sorry, shouldn't I ask?"

Beiming Qinghan sighed: "No, it shouldn't be asked, these were taught to me by the concubine."

"Your mother-in-law must be a gentle woman."

"Yes, she is very gentle. She said that men should be responsible to girls. They must not hurt their hearts or spend their time. They also said that they would like girls if they would make snacks."

Lin Weiyue was a little surprised, "You... your mother concubine can have such avant-garde thinking, it is really different, your mother concubine must be very good, and you love her very much."

"Well, the concubine disappeared later."

Lin Weiyue's face changed, as if a wave of light flashed through her mind, "Is it gone? What does it mean to be gone?"

When Lin Weiyue asked this sentence, his heart was mentioned.

Beiming Qinghan's expression was trance, he seemed to recall, "When the father king was drunk, he said that the mother princess turned into a star and left, saying that she was not a person in this world."

Lin Weiyue grabbed Beiming Qinghan's sleeve excitedly, "Are you serious? Is your mother really disappearing out of thin air?"

Beiming Qinghan didn't understand why Lin Weiyue was so excited.

But he looked at Lin Weiyue's expectant look and nodded, "At that time, I was young. I only knew that one day I couldn't see the concubine anymore. When I asked my father, he didn't say it, and once he got drunk and told me of."

Lin Weiyue suddenly felt, did Beiming Qinghan's mother also cross over, did she cross back?

Lin Weiyue grabbed Beiming Qinghan's arm excitedly, "Let's go to your house, go to your house, okay, go and see your palace."

Lin Weiyue will be like this for a while, and Beiming Qinghan feels that his emotions have just been taken away.

He smiled helplessly and gently patted Lin Weiyue's back of the hand, appeasing her: "Why are you going to Wangfu again, did you just say you want to go to Jiangnan?"

"I want to visit your house, I want to know about your mother concubine, okay, okay?"

Lin Weiyue was totally in order to make Beiming Qinghan agree and acted coquettishly.

Beiming Qinghan looked slightly loose.

"You agree, agree, Qinghan, Qinghan..."

Beiming Qinghan shook his head helplessly, "You, okay, I promise you."

"Oao, I love you so much..."

When Lin Weiyue was excited, she talked about the mantra.

Bei Ming Qing Han was shocked by the word love.

He looked down at Lin Weiyue deeply and saw the cheerful smile between her eyebrows, and said softly: "But we have to make a detour from here, to Wangfu, and then to Jiangnan, we have to leave the other way, Somewhat remote."

"It's okay, you can lead the way."

"Want to go to the palace so much?"

"Because I haven't been to your house before, I want to see it, and I, as your mother-in-law's daughter-in-law, always go to worship."

Lin Weiyue made up a convincing reason temporarily.

But her words made Beiming Qinghan listen, and her heart moved deeply.

When Lin Weiyue was about to jump away, he hugged Lin Weiyue and hugged it hard.

Lin Weiyue was suddenly hugged tightly, suddenly stunned, and did not understand what happened to Beiming Qinghan.

Beiming Qinghan said very seriously: "Wei Yue, thank you."

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