Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4877: The most is the flying flower on earth (53)

Lin Weiyue stunned, she really did not understand why Beiming Qinghan suddenly said thanks.

Lin Weiyue began to think, what did she just say?

She just said to go to his house, is he happy?

Beiming Qinghan touched Lin Weiyue's hair, "Weiyue, if the mother concubine knew, she would be very happy."

Hearing this sentence, Lin Weiyue understood what was going on.

She could feel Beiming Qinghan's filial piety, and feel his nostalgia for her mother.

In this era, there are not many men who are willing to listen to their mothers and learn to cook, and he is still the son of Wangfu.

Lin Weiyue patted Beiming Qinghan's back gently, comforting him.

"Your mother will be happy if she can see what you are doing now."

In fact, Beiming Qinghan said nothing about his mother.

He didn't even say Zirouyan.

I don't know why, at that moment he was willing to tell Lin Weiyue about his mother.

More willing to take her home to see.

When she set off again, maybe it was because of Lin Weiyue's change of mind, or maybe her relationship with Beiming Qinghan was no longer so alienated.

Along the way, she and Beiming Qinghan began to take a carriage.

Lin Weiyue will talk about many things and hum along the way.

She seemed to be happy all the time. She would laugh happily when she saw the trees on the road and the scenery on the road.

Beiming Qinghan also seemed to feel the joy of Lin Weiyue, but did not feel boring along the way, but seemed like a kind of enjoyment.

He did not know what song Lin Weiyue was humming, but he felt very good.

Faintly, he would think of his mother concubine.

I remember when I was young, the concubine also hummed a lot of tunes.

When resting at night, Beiming Qinghan dreamed of the concubine.

He hadn’t dreamed of the concubine for many years. He even thought he had forgotten the concubine’s voice and smile, but at that moment, he saw it clearly.



"Han'er, remember to cherish and cherish the people before you."

"Concubine, where are you going?"

"Haner, remember what the concubine said."


When Beiming Qinghan woke up, he couldn't remember the scenes in his dream, but he remembered that his mother-in-law seemed to say something important to him.

"Are you OK?"

Lin Weiyue looked at Beiming Qinghan by the bed.

Before, she was worried about assassins, so she wanted a large room, which was separated by two screens in the middle, which did not affect it at all, but it was also safe.

Lin Weiyue had slept well in the middle of the night, but was awakened by a voice.

It seemed that Beiming Qinghan was dreaming, and she found that Beiming Qinghan was very unstable, and cold sweat was on her forehead.

Beiming Qinghan looked at Lin Weiyue, his expression slightly trance, "Wei Yue you..."

"Are you dreaming? Dreaming of your mother-in-law?"

Beiming Qinghan nodded, and then he found that he still held Lin Weiyue's hand tightly.

He knew his strength and held Lin Weiyue tightly. He quickly put it down and found that Lin Weiyue's wrists were red.


Lin Weiyue rubbed his wrist, "It's okay, it doesn't hurt. I just calmed down. You should be able to sleep peacefully after a while. I'll pass it first."

Lin Weiyue said, turning to the bedroom over the screen.

Bei Ming Qinghan looked at Lin Weiyue's figure. At this moment, he wanted to leave Lin Weiyue, maybe just talking, he didn't want to be alone.

Bei Ming Qing Han thought of the relationship between the two people, and smiled at himself.

Obviously his wife, but now it is so alienated.

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