Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4881: The most is the flying flower on earth (57)

Beiming Qinghan said half of his speech, but did not know how to continue.

But he wanted to ask her if she was serious at that time?

Lin Weiyue listened to this sentence and woke up suddenly.

She looked at Beiming Qinghan seriously, wondering if Beiming Qinghan was talking seriously.

She found that his expression was so serious.

Is he really asking this question just now?

When the emperor gave marriage before?

Lin Weiyue began to think, and began to think about the memory of her predecessor.

Lin Weiyue nodded and said, "It's serious. At that time, I really took the courage to cry, hang, and hang up to do that. It will be free."

Lin Weiyue knew that the predecessor really left.

If she leaves this world, the princess will no longer exist, and Beiming Qinghan is true freedom.

At that time the emperor could not change anything.

Lin Weiyue thought so, but she didn't know that such a sentence was actually not what Beiming Qinghan wanted at all.

Beiming Qinghan was anxious to prove something, but found that now in front of Lin Weiyue, he didn't know how to say and express a lot of words.

He had a feeling that he could not grasp his emotions.

"No, you didn't bother me."

Lin Weiyue sighed and thought, the predecessor did indeed do a lot of wrong things. Beiming Qinghan could still want to think like this. It should be kind.

Her impression of Beiming Qinghan has changed a little bit.

However, Lin Weiyue was reluctant to think about some things in her predecessor, and suddenly when she talked about this topic, she didn't want to delay any more time.

"Qinghan, can you take me to see your mother concubine?"

"it is good."

For Beiming Qinghan, now he cannot refuse Lin Weiyue's words.

And taking her back seems to be for this too.

Beiming Qinghan took Lin Weiyue to a courtyard in the backyard, which was still clean and elegant.

Lin Weiyue and Beiming Qinghan first worshipped Beiming Qinghan's concubine, finished the incense and went to see his concubine's residence and things.

Lin Weiyue suddenly saw a necklace in a pile of jewelry.

That is not something of this era.

What surprised Lin Weiyue even more was that she had seen this necklace in modern times.

Because it was something from her family, her mother once showed it to her and said that this necklace was for her.

At that time, she didn't take it seriously, and felt that such necklaces were everywhere, and why people in the family were still regarded as ancient artifacts handed down from generation to generation.

She doesn't understand.

But at this moment, Lin Weiyue picked up the necklace and his hands were shaking.

Does she really have anything to do with this era?
It is not just because of Huang Qingwu's book, but there is a series?

Lin Weiyue pinched his thigh fiercely with his hands, rubbed his eyes, and made sure he was right.

Beiming Qinghan looked at Lin Weiyue's look wrong and asked, "What's wrong?"

"This... this necklace?"

"You have the same preference as the concubine. The concubine has been wearing this necklace, which is her favorite thing, but after she left, she left these things, including this necklace."

Lin Weiyue's lips quivered, "Clear cold, I... I have a heartless request."

"Weyue has nothing to say."

Lin Weiyue said embarrassedly: "This... can this necklace be given to me?"

When Beiming Qinghan heard this sentence, he was shocked!

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