Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4882: The most is the flying flower on earth (58)

Lin Weiyue also knows that asking Beiming Qinghan for this necklace is actually not very appropriate and somewhat inappropriate.

But she still spoke.

Because she knew this necklace was important to her, it might be her way back to modern times.

Because it has been a long time in this era, Lin Weiyue even doubts whether she is really a person of this era.

Sometimes she feels in a trance, that the memory of the modern era is like she had a dream.

Which one is a dream and which is true, Lin Weiyue can't tell clearly.

But this necklace made Lin Weiyue clearly understand that everything in modern times is either a dream or real.

And here is the time and space that she strayed into.

Lin Weiyue finished speaking and blinked at Beiming Qinghan.

When Beiming Qinghan heard Feng Sufei's words, his expression slightly condensed, and his heart was rippling up and down.

He seemed calm on his face, but in fact his heart was filled with deep waves, and he could not calm for a long time.

Lin Weiyue didn't hear Beiming Qinghan talking, and the hand holding the necklace was loose and tight, "Qinghan, this necklace really can't..."

Bei Ming Qing Han looked at Lin Weiyue's pitiful eyes, and the desire in her eyes was so obvious.

Beiming Qinghan didn't wait for Lin Weiyue to finish his speech, held out her hand, and took her hand, "Actually speaking, this is also left to you by your mother."

Lin Weiyue's eyes widened in surprise, "Leave it to me?"

She didn't understand what it meant. She looked at Beiming Qinghan inquiringly, but could not see the emotion in Beiming Qinghan's eyes.

"Mother once told me that this was for her daughter-in-law, and she once said that if one day brought her daughter-in-law, she would give this to her, so this was originally for you."

Lin Weiyue was shocked when she heard this sentence. Is there such a saying?

How did she feel that Beiming Qinghan's mother seemed to know everything, even knew she was coming here?

Or is this necklace just for the mother-in-law to give to her daughter-in-law?

If this is the case, it is too coincidental.

Beiming Qinghan said to her suddenly, and Lin Weiyue was embarrassed to take it like that.

She took another rag doll out of her cuff, "This gift for you, you can't just take your things, gifts and gifts!"

This is also Lin Weiyue's own sewing, I don't know whether Beiming Qinghan likes it or not, but this is what she can send in her hand.

Bei Ming Qing Han said that the mother gave it to her daughter-in-law, Lin Weiyue wanted to refute that in the future Bei Ming Qing Han is free, this may have to be given to others.

But Lin Weiyue really wanted this necklace, so I didn't say anything else.

What if Beiming Qinghan reacts and doesn't give this necklace?

So Lin Weiyue used rag dolls as gifts for change.

She didn't know that Beiming Qinghan really liked the doll in her hand.

Perhaps it was because she sewed it by hand, so Beiming Qinghan liked it.

When Lin Weiyue gave a rag doll to Lengfengya before, he looked at it, not necessarily happy in his heart.

This time, Beiming Qinghan took it very cherished, "Thank you."

"I should thank you for giving me this."

Beiming Qinghan smiled, "This is what my mother left you and belongs to you."

Lin Weiyue grinned, very embarrassed.

But when she actually held the necklace, it seemed that there was a force surrounding her.

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