Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4883: The most is the flying flower on earth (59)

For a moment, before Lin Weiyue reacted, a holy white light surrounded her.

Lin Weiyue seemed to become transparent.

For a moment, Beiming Qinghan was hurt by the ray of light, and he could not see the scene for a while.

Lin Weiyue felt like she was leaving like a wind.

But only for a moment, the light disappeared and she stood on the spot again.

At this moment, Lin Weiyue suddenly seemed to travel through time and space, and she saw many modern scenes.

She saw that Huang Qingwu and Han Yichu returned to the campus sweetly.

Seeing Huang Qingwu worried about her, he and Han Yichu looked for her together.

She was very moved.

She also saw her father and mother and her relatives.

I saw a lot of scenes.

The scenes are so real that she understands that this is the world of time and space, and everything is real.

She is still modern.

Lin Weiyue wanted to see more, and it really was more.

At this moment, Lin Weiyue felt that she had been away for a long time.

She was really distressed when she saw that her parents had gray hair.

After the light disappeared, Lin Weiyue stood still in a daze, tears flowing out unconsciously.

Lin Weiyue was still in a trance, as if she were still in the modern world, her vision was blurred and her eyes were so empty.

"Father, mother..."

Lin Weiyue really wants to love her family.

Think of everything modern.

I didn't dare to think about it before, because I was afraid that when I think about it, I can't help but feel lonely and cry.

But at this time, so many scenes flashed in front of her, so she had to think about flashing all the modern scenes.

It turned out that she was so nostalgic in her heart.

After the light disappears, Beiming Qinghan can see everything in front of him.

He did not know what had just happened, but he saw Lin Weiyue crying, crying very sadly, that kind of silent cry, tears all over his face, criss-crossing.

Such Lin Weiyue has never seen Beiming Qinghan.

The sad, unconscious crying, and the feeling of isolating the world like the wind, made Beiming Qinghan involuntarily distressed, and his heart trembling slightly.

Beiming Qinghan's throat widened and said carefully: "Wei Yue, what's wrong with you?"

Beiming Qinghan feels that Lin Weiyue at this time is like a fragile doll, making people afraid to come close, for fear of hurting her and breaking her.

Lin Weiyue was still immersed in the emotion just now, and she didn't look back at all, and her tears were still flowing out.

She looked so distressed when she saw it.

Beiming Qinghan's throat became astringent, and said again: "Wei Yue, Wei Yue, what's wrong with you?"

Beiming Qinghan was really worried at this time, feeling that Lin Weiyue seemed to be out of his soul.

It really worried him.

"Wei Yue, Wei Yue..."

Beiming Qinghan carefully touched Lin Weiyue.

Lin Weiyue just recovered a little, when she saw that it was still in this era, when she saw the person in front of her, she squatted down and cried while holding herself.

Beiming Qinghan also squatted down, "Wei Yue, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Weiyue couldn't tell Beiming Qinghan that she could only vent her emotions by herself.

She used to be so homesick.

Beiming Qinghan really could not comfort Lin Weiyue, but he found that Lin Weiyue held the necklace tightly in his hand.

Beiming Qinghan's eyes flashed, is it related to this?

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