Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4886: The most is the flying flower on earth (62)

Lin Weiyue's eyes on Shangbei Mingqing were not only suffocating, but also felt that her own heart was no longer her own. It felt that the whole person was swallowed into these eyes.

Lin Weiyue's fingers stiffened, his body stiffened, and then he pursed his lips and said, "Some... some can't sleep."

Her voice was so unstable.

Lin Weiyue felt that all her words were tremolo.

Ah, why is she so unnatural in front of Beiming Qinghan?

I don't know when it started, when Lin Weiyue faced the North Sea and the cold, his heart would also show a little ripple.

She felt that when she treated Beiming Qinghan, she was not treated like a stranger.

She has seen the advantages of Beiming Qinghan.

She didn't go to Beiming Qinghan with colored glasses like she did at first.

Beiming Qinghan looked at Lin Weiyue's look, looked at the sky outside, and said, "If you can't sleep, I will take you out for a walk!"

Lin Weiyue froze for a moment, blinked, and doubted that he had heard it wrong, "Now?"

"Well, now, aren't you awake now?"

To be honest, Lin Weiyue's eyes were bright when he heard the words of Beiming Qinghan.

This kind of eyes, blue sky is like a wash, under the night, it is very bright, Bei Ming Qing Han looked at Lin Weiyue, they are very clear.

Know that she is willing to go out for a walk.

"Want to go?"

Lin Weiyue nodded vigorously.

If we leave this era, many scenes can't be seen?

Especially at night like this, in modern times, it is not always possible to see money spent in tourist attractions.

After nodding, Lin Weiyue got up quickly.

As soon as Beiming Qinghan stretched out his fingers, Lin Weiyue took the clothes over.

Lin Weiyue once again lamented that martial arts are really good. He stretched out his hand and could get everything in his hand.

After Lin Weiyue was put on, Beiming Qinghan took Lin Weiyue's display directly and left easily.

Lin Weiyue looked farther and farther on the ground, opened her eyes wide, and felt so magical.

She blinked hard, thinking, Isn't she really dreaming?

Light work, light work...

This kind of legendary kung fu, she doesn't need to watch a TV series, but to experience it in person, and she is still in the arms of a lighter.

Lin Weiyue was very excited, she hugged Beiming Qinghan tightly, "It's really high, will we fall."

Lin Weiyue's legs were entangled with Beiming Qinghan, his breath was sprayed on Beiming Qinghan's neck.

Beiming Qinghan breathed a suffocated breath, almost choked with anger, and landed Lin Weiyue on the ground.

Fortunately, he has great internal skills, and soon took Lin Weiyue to the tower.

"It's so tall! It can be seen so far..."

"This is the highest place, and here you can see a lot of scenery."

Bei Mingqing explained Lin Weiyue while Lin Weiyue watched.

Lin Weiyue turned to look at Beiming Qinghan, only to feel that he was as beautiful as a picture under the night wind.

Lin Weiyue had an urge to paint him.

Beiming Qinghan's eyes on Shanglin Weiyue held his hands tightly, suppressing some emotions in his heart.

Lin Weiyue said impulsively: "Can I draw you a portrait?"

After talking, Lin Weiyue wanted to beat herself, but she did not expect that Beiming Qinghan readily agreed.

So they are right here, holding lights, Lin Weiyue sitting there to paint, Beiming Qinghan standing there to cooperate with Lin Weiyue.

In such a painting, two people look at each other from time to time, and there is a very subtle atmosphere.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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