Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4887: The most is the flying flower on earth (63)

Lin Weiyue often has to visit Beiming Qinghan, so when she is painting, it is actually very difficult for her to calm down.

She has a feeling of retreating.

She just said a word impulsively, but when she really wanted to paint, she couldn't draw Beiming Qinghan as a landscape.

Lin Weiyue was very aware that Beiming Qinghan had an influence on her heart.

This man was so beautiful, and his temperament was so outstanding. Under such night, under the lights, it was even more blurred and intoxicating.

She must breathe slowly to calm her emotions.

It took a long time for Lin Weiyue to paint well.

But during this time, Beiming Qinghan kept a posture according to what Lin Weiyue said, and never moved.

Lin Weiyue was a little touched, "Is your arm stiff?"

"It's okay, can I see the picture you drew?"

Lin Weiyue nodded and hurriedly gave the painting to Beiming Qinghan.

Bei Ming Qing Han looked at Lin Weiyue's drawing paper against the light, and his expression changed slightly. It turns out that there are such paintings in the world, which can draw people like this, and the sound and smile are so clear.

This woman was never a straw bale, just not known.

Beiming Qinghan understands that even Zi Yanrou cannot have such painting skills.

Her talent is above Ziyanrou.

Even if you do not admit it, this is also true.

Beiming Qinghan's eyes flashed slightly, "Can this picture be given to me?"

"How do you do it? I worked hard, I want to keep it myself."

What Lin Weiyue thinks is that when he returns to the modern painting, he must hold the painting.

Lin Weiyue didn't think much, just responded instinctively.

Beiming Qinghan's eyes were soft, with a hint of smile, "Well, keep it yourself."

After the two people went back, Lin Weiyue recovered and always felt that what he had just said was ambiguous.

She wanted to explain, but she felt that the more she explained, the more guilty she felt, and she thought that she liked it.

Anyway, she is leaving this era.

The next day, Beiming Qinghan and Lin Weiyue bid farewell to the mansion of the king's palace, and started to go another way.

They are going to the south of Jiangnan to find the Master Xuanmiao of Green Forest Peak, who is what Lin Weiyue is looking for.

Along the way, Lin Weiyue listened to Beiming Qinghan and only then knew how powerful this master Xuanmiao was.

Master Xuanmiao set up an organ formation in the surrounding forest.

He is proficient in astronomy and geography, five elements and gossip, and various institutions...

This master is someone who wants to visit all of the continent, but Master Xuanmiao has a strange temper and does not see anyone.

Since hiding there more than ten years ago, he could not escape the world.

Hearing this, Lin Weiyue was nervous, she grabbed Beiming Qinghan's hand, "Can he see us then?"

"When the mother was there, I heard the mother mentioned that the mother was kind to him, and I had the token, he would meet."

Lin Weiyue was relieved when he heard the words from Beiming Qinghan.

"Thank you, thank you."

"No thanks, why keep saying thanks?"

"I don't know how to thank other than that."

Lin Weiyue felt that she was leaving, so she bought a front on the road and it was cold. She was going to weave a scarf for Beiming Qinghan. There is no such thing in this era, but she can weave it out, a unique gift.

It is considered to stay and chill the North Ming.

But when buying needle and thread, Lin Weiyue accidentally heard a news about the assassination.

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