Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4889: The most is the flying flower on earth (65)

Beiming Qinghan thought Lin Weiyue was tired, but she was like this along the way, and it really made him unable to worry, "Weiyue, what's the matter with you? Is there anything to worry about?"

If it had been before, Lin Weiyue would observe Beiming Qinghan's look, and naturally see the worried look in his eyes.

She would think that it was a real worry.

But this time, Lin Weiyue just lowered her head and shook her head, "No, I'm just a little tired."

"If you are tired, you can lie down for a while, and rest, when I arrive, I call you."

Lin Weiyue nodded, "Okay."

In fact, she is not tired, she is just tired, and she is not tired.

But if she has been sitting like this, she doesn't know how to talk to Beiming Qinghan.

Her inner emotions will always be seen by Beiming Qinghan.

Therefore, Lin Weiyue listened to Beiming Qinghan and lay on the carriage with her eyes closed.

After closing his eyes, Lin Weiyue couldn't sleep at all for a while.

There are many things in her mind.

Thinking of her coming to this era, as a princess, many things happened.

Lin Weiyue found that even if she was injured, it was still easy to trust others and it was easy to cherish some warmth.

Whether it is snow falling at night, or cold in the north.

Lin Weiyue thought she was really tired and tired.

She desperately wants to leave this era and want to return to modern times.

Maybe she is the ostrich mentality now, really want to rest.

Because she is too tired.

She misses the modern home. In the modern age, she has relatives, and she will not be alone or injured.

But in this era, she felt lonely and lonely.

She wanted to find warmth, but found that maybe it was not the warmth she imagined.

Lin Weiyue took a deep breath and pressed down the soreness in her heart.

Bei Ming Qinghan looked at Lin Weiyue with her back to her, and fell asleep in the carriage. He couldn't see her expression at all, and didn't know what she thought. In fact, she was anxious.

Beiming Qinghan didn't know what went wrong.

But he could feel that Lin Weiyue exuded a cold chill around him, as if to isolate people from the outside.

Lin Weiyue had a feeling of refusing to be thousands of miles away.

Until reaching the Green Forest Peak, Beiming Qinghan told Lin Weiyue that Lin Weiyue got off the carriage.

She looked at the front, thinking that the tall man could bring her back to modern times, her eyes brightened.

Before, she thought that if she wanted to leave this era, she was still very reluctant, because she thanked Beiming Qinghan for her care.

But now, she thinks, she knows some facts, she is not concerned, she can leave.

Beiming Qinghan took Lin Weiyue through a series of formations, and took the token that his mother had given him to find the mountain.

Many buildings have been built on this mountain peak, and the paradise in the deep mountain is the same.

Beiming Qinghan asked Lin Weiyue to wait outside for a while, he entered the courtyard door and said to the people inside.

Lin Weiyue nodded, she stood outside and saw a bamboo forest peach forest not far away, but only felt a little beautiful.

She couldn't help but go inside.

Walking around, Lin Weiyue seemed to hear Xiao Yin.

I don't know why, when she heard such a flute, her heart trembled suddenly.

Because of this sound, Lin Weiyue has a sense of familiarity.

Her heart was trembling, and she was not sure if she had guessed it.

Strangely, Lin Weiyue walked in with the flute.

She saw a pavilion deep in the green bamboo, where a person was sitting.

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