Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4890: The most is the flying flower on earth (66)

Lin Weiyue looked at the figure, and her heart jumped quickly.

As she had guessed in her heart, the figure was very similar to the one in her memory.

Although I only saw a silhouette, it was enough for Lin Weiyue to be sure.

Because when they were in the princess house, they almost got along day and night.

Even after such a long time, Lin Weiyue thought that she had forgotten, but in fact people have memories, how can it be said that if you forget one, you forget one.

Lin Weiyue's heart trembled, and there was a name flashing in her heart, that is, night snow fell.

She thought she would never see this person again, but sometimes it was such a coincidence that she saw Ye Xueluo here.

Lin Weiyue thought, she should not be wrong.

Lin Weiyue couldn't help but approached the pavilion.

But reason stopped her, she took a deep breath, controlled herself with a lot of self-control, then hooked an indifferent arc in the corner of her mouth, and turned away slyly before leaving.

But maybe the movement when she turned turned the person in the pavilion, maybe it was the person in the pavilion who just finished blowing the flute.

After listening to the wind, the man fell in front of Lin Weiyue.

Lin Weiyue had hurried forward, and almost hit the man.

Lin Weiyue could almost smell the familiar smell in her memory, but her conditioned reflex took a step back.

Lin Weiyue saw the person still fascinated by the fascination of her eyes, and her eyes shivered.

She really made no mistake.

However, now Lin Weiyue is no longer Qiu'er, she thought she would tremble and throb.

But in fact, her heart is very calm.

Even at this time, Ye Xueluo was still so weeping and bloody, with a charm of the world, especially those eyes, after seeing it, so fascinating.

There is a moving eye, with a charm that charms people's hearts.

But Lin Weiyue was unmoved. Her heart had cooled down in the early hours. At this moment, she watched Ye Xueluo as if she saw a stranger. Compared to Lin Weiyue's calm, Ye Xueluo was very excited.

His eyes were trembling, and he looked at the person in disbelief in disbelief.

His hands squeezed the jade flute tightly, and the green tendons were slightly raised.

In fact, after calming down, he was not as impulsive as he was.

Lin Weiyue pursed her lips and took the lead to break the calm. "Sorry, I don't know if anyone is here. Excuse me, I will leave now."

With that said, Lin Weiyue will bypass the night snow and leave from the side.

When she was really about to leave her sight, Ye Xueluo turned around and looked at Lin Weiyue, who was about to leave, with a slightly hoarse opening: "Qiu'er!"

"This son admits the wrong person. My name is Qiu'er."

Ye Xue fell and shook his body. After all, he was stung by such a strange sentence.

He initially gave Lin Weiyue the sting, but now Lin Weiyue gave him back.

Ye Xueluo really didn't know what to say at this time, but he still said: "I'm sorry."

"The son laughed. The son didn't have any excuses. I was bothered. I should be sorry."

Such a loud son made Ye Xueluo's heart seem to be cut by a knife.

Although he was a gentleman, he still reached out to grasp Lin Weiyue's wrist at the moment, "I was..."

Lin Weiyue shook her body as Ye Xueluo held her wrist, but she immediately conditioned to break away from Ye Xueluo's hand, "please be respectful."

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