Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4892: The most is the flying flower on earth (68)

Lin Weiyue refuted such a sentence, so that the blood on Ye Xueluo's face faded all at once.

How could he not be sincere?

He didn't find it at first, but when he found it later, he didn't find Lin Weiyue in the palace.

Ye Xueluo couldn't imagine, Lin Weiyue liked the appearance of Beiming Qinghan.

I didn't feel anything before, but when I thought about it, I felt unacceptable.

Ye Xueluo had to admit in his heart that he regretted leaving the princess palace and regretted the impulse.

His mentality has always been indifferent and elegant, and there are few mood swings, let alone impulsive.

But at the beginning, he did not control his emotions because of Lin Weiyue.

But even so, Ye Xueluo didn't want to let Lin Weiyue go.

She is the light in his heart.

He wanted to hear her talk to him in a cheerful and clear voice.

I also want to hear her sing.

Now his flute is a little bit more lonely, and there is no longer a flute ensemble.

He had thought about it and wanted to see her dance when his eyes were better.

But then there was no Lin Weiyue.

He imagined the scene where the two could meet again many times, but did not expect Lin Weiyue to be so indifferent at this time.

He thought she would say he would reprimand and vent a lot of emotions.

She never thought that she would look at him with such strange eyes and treat him with such strange gestures.

He can accept all the scolding, and most can not accept two people strangers.

Ye Xueluo's eyes were reddening, and he was really in pain.

But after Lin Weiyue finished speaking, her eyes did not fall on Ye Xueluo's body.

When Lin Weiyue is good, she can be very good, but after being hurt, it is difficult for her to forgive someone.

Lin Weiyue turned and shouted, "Qing Han, I am here, here."

Ye Xueluo listened to Lin Weiyue shouting Beiming Qinghan's name cordially.

She used to call him with such a voice and tone.

Ye Xueluo's throat moved, "Wei Yue, Bei Ming Qing Han has Miss Zi beside him."

Ye Xueluo didn't say this selfishly. He knew that he had brought Lin Weiyue hurt. He just didn't want Lin Weiyue to be injured again.

Moreover, he also knew that when Lin Weiyue fell into the river, Beiming Qinghan did not care about Lin Weiyue's life and death from beginning to end.

Ye Xueluo knows that Lin Weiyue is very good, she is the kind of woman who cherishes others well.

But such a woman, he was afraid of her injury.

When Ye Xue fell behind and came to understand, she wanted to give Lin Weiyue everything that would be good and would not hurt her anymore.

But now he understands that Lin Weiyue may not accept it.

But even so, he didn't want Lin Weiyue to be injured. Beiming Qinghan might hurt Lin Weiyue.

Lin Weiyue listened to Ye Xueluo's words and felt bitter in her heart.

She actually knew that Ye Xueluo was talking about the fact that there was Zi Yanrou beside Beiming Qinghan. She also tentatively asked Beiming Qinghan, and his attitude towards Zi Yanrou was also very good.

But it doesn't matter, anyway she is leaving this world.

What they love is not a world by then, she will have her own life in modern times.

But Lin Weiyue would not let Ye Xueluo see her fragility.

"This is also my business."

"Qiu'er, don't do that. I don't want to hurt you. When you and Zi Wanxun fell into the water at the same time, Beiming Qinghan didn't care about your life and death."

Ye Xueluo was also really afraid that Lin Weiyue would encounter such danger again, and his eyes flashed with worry.

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