Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4893: The most is the flying flower on earth (69)

Ye Xue's eyes were so real.

Perhaps because of love, the safety of the other party is really so important to him.

Ye Xueluo didn't dare to think about what would happen if Lin Weiyue was in danger one day and disappeared from this world.

As long as you think about it, Ye Xueluo can't stand it.

So this, even if it would make Lin Weiyue uncomfortable, he had to mention it to her.

He knew his feelings for Lin Weiyue inwardly, and he was afraid that she was in danger.

I thought that once she almost died, Ye Xueluo's eyes were even more red.

He also blamed himself. If he didn't think about Lin Weiyue without prejudice, it would be really different.

Why didn't he calm down at first?

Ye Xue fell constantly blaming herself.

His hands were on Lin Weiyue's shoulders.

Lin Weiyue was really shocked when she heard Ye Xueluo's previous words.

She thought that when she first came to this world, she saw the North Ping Qing Han, he was really so cold, and she did not care about her life or death at all. And indeed, as Ye Xueluo said, Beiming Qinghan did choose Ziyanrou between the princess and Ziyanrou.

At that time, Beiming Qinghan did not control the life and death of the princess.

Although that person was the predecessor, not her.

But that also shows that Beiming Qinghan can choose Ziyanrou regardless of the anger of the emperor and the queen.

At least one attitude is shown, and one can see how one thinks in one's heart.

Lin Weiyue's face also became whiter.

She bitterly said to Ye Xue: "Thank you for telling me this."

When I said thank you, I was still so indifferent.

Ye Xueluo didn't actually want to hear thank you.

He felt that looking at Lin Weiyue like this, listening to her lonely say such a sentence, his heart was even more uncomfortable.

When Ye Xueluo wanted to say something, Beiming Qinghan had arrived.

When Beiming Qinghan saw Ye Xue falling, his face also stiffened.

He looked at Lin Weiyue nervously.

He looked at Lin Weiyue's complexion, his eyebrows frowned, and a cool light flashed under his eyes.

He pulled Lin Weiyue forward and hugged her in his arms. "What's wrong, is it uncomfortable?"

After listening to the words reminded by Ye Xueluo, Lin Weiyue did not want to lean on Beiming Qinghan's arms.

She wanted to break free.

But at this time, her heart was very tired and her mind was messy. She really needed to be quiet.

And Ye Xueluo was in front of her, she didn't want people to see her emotions.

She just whispered to Beiming Qinghan: "I'm a little tired, let's see the master you said first!"

"it is good!"

Beiming Qinghan directly took Lin Weiyue to leave the bamboo forest with light power.

Ye Xueluo stood on the spot, looking at the empty bamboo forest, feeling his heart was empty.

The wind blew up his clothes, making his figure more lonely.

Ye Xueluo's eyes were full of sadness.

He is a man, and it can be seen that just looking at Lin Weiyue's eyes just after Beiming Qinghan found that she is good, and she doesn't want to let go, right?

He did not know whether Beiming Qinghan would cherish Lin Weiyue.

All he knew was that he was reluctant to let Lin Weiyue suffer a slight injury now.

Ye Xue fell on the spot for a long time and stood in a daze for a long time, only to be surprised when he recovered, how could Lin Weiyue and Beiming Qinghan come to Greenwood Peak?

Did you come to see Master?

Thinking about it, Ye Xue dropped a spin, and also left the bamboo forest with light power to find his master.

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