Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4894: The most is the flying flower on earth (70)

Master Ye Xueluo is Master Xuanmiao.

No one knows, Ye Xueluo's true identity, and Master Xuanmiao is a person who is eager to see the entire continent. Everyone thinks that if they can worship Master Xuanmiao as a teacher, they will be invincible.

Even the emperor personally invited.

But Master Xuanmiao did not agree, he only chose an apprentice, that is, Xuexue Luo.

Externally, no one knows.


Lin Weiyue met Master Xuanmiao alone, and the two said several hours. No one knew exactly what the two said.

But when Lin Weiyue came out, her eyes were gleaming, and no one could discern her emotions.

Even Beiming Qinghan didn't know what the master said to Lin Weiyue.

Lin Weiyue had to admire this mysterious master, indeed he was proficient in everything.

It only takes a glance to know that she is not a person in this world.

But the master did not say when she could return to her world, only when she said she would go back naturally.

That is to say, she still has to stay in this world now.

But knowing that he could go back, Lin Weiyue was still excited.

Beiming Qinghan looked at Lin Weiyue tired and said, "If we are tired, we will stay on the mountain for one night."

Lin Weiyue shook his head.

If night snow falls are not seen on this mountain peak, maybe she will stay here for one night, but she doesn’t want to face night snow fall, so she doesn’t want to stay.

"Let's go down the mountain, the emperor still wants you to do things. For me, the trip has been delayed. Let's take the time to set off!"

Beiming Qinghan looked at Lin Weiyue's tired look and hesitated, "I think you are tired."

Lin Weiyue shook his head, "I want to go to Jiangnan early."

When Lin Weiyue said this, his tone was still firm.

Beiming Qinghan can only take Lin Weiyue to set off early.


On the other side, Ye Xueluo couldn't wait to see his master.

Master Xuanmiao looked at his apprentice, he was always elegant and noble, this child he grew up watching, most intelligent.

But when he came back this time, there was some more worry in the eyebrows.

Master Xuanmiao can naturally see that his apprentice has encountered love.


"You are here to ask about the princess."

Ye Xue's face froze, "You can't hide Master."

Ye Xueluo wanted to ask something, but his throat was choked, and he didn't know how to speak. He thought, perhaps needless to say, his master would know. "You want to know what she said, what she asked, what she wanted to do, where she went, and you want to know what happened between you and her."

Ye Xueluo bowed her head and respectfully said, "Please Master, please give pointers."

Master Xuanmiao has never seen anyone or something attached to his apprentice.

This time, it was obviously moved.

Master Xuanmiao sighed: "This woman is not a worldly person, so I can't see her emotional destination, everything is in her own hands, so the key lies in this woman."

Ye Xueluo's face changed greatly, "Master, what is non-worldly."

"Don't you find out that the princess has changed, unlike before."

Ye Xueluo was shocked. This was indeed the case. Before, the princess he saw was flying and domineering, with an obsession in his eyes. His eyes were not so clear, and he didn't know so much.

But Qiu'er he was in contact with was so beautiful, and it made him recall many times, and he didn't believe that the princess was Qiu'er.

As long as Ye Xueluo thinks, she can understand something.

He looked at his master in shock, "Master, is she not her?"

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