Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4908: The most is the flying flower on earth (84)

When Lin Weiyue fell down, she seemed to be able to hear the shrill cry of Beiming above.

But she listened, but her heart was numb and cold.

No matter what Beiming Qinghan thinks and how to shout, it has nothing to do with her.

Beiming Qinghan's choice at that moment had already frozen her heart.

Lin Weiyue is also serious, that is really nothing.

She also returned the love of Beiming Qinghan for her predecessor.

Beiming Qinghan sacrificed her princess with her royal weapon, and she became Ziyanrou.

Ordinarily, Beiming Qinghan actually owes her Lin Weiyue.

Although Lin Weiyue was smiling, she was still afraid when she fell. She fell down from the cliff. The feeling of weightlessness was too strong.

In fact, she was in a panic.

Because she really didn't want to die, she also wanted to go back to modern times, and also wanted many relatives and friends.

Thinking about it, Lin Weiyue's heart was too painful, and she began to hate Beiming Qinghan.

Lin Weiyue's eyes still shed tears.

She didn't want to cry, but she couldn't help crying. No one knew how deep the pain in her heart was at the moment.

Beiming Qinghan!

Lin Weiyue had these four words in her heart, and she felt a bite of her teeth.

But soon, her heart calmed down, because for her at this moment, Beiming Qinghan is a stranger than a stranger.

"Wei Yue, Wei Yue..."

Beiming Qinghan still shouted constantly over the cliff.

He seemed to be ashamed, looking at it in disbelief.

He looked at his palm, his palm was empty, and his heart seemed to be empty.

He still remembered the last look that Lin Weiyue had rejected, that really made his heart hurt.

Beiming Qinghan realized what had happened.

Everything just happened, all the light and shadow flashed in his mind.

Lin Weiyue's words kept repeating, flashing in his mind, making his heart hurt like an inch of knife.

This kind of pain is not the same as the normal pain.

This pain made him unable to breathe and suffocated him.

He also realized deeply what Lin Weiyue meant to him.

Only then did he realize what his heart was all about.

When the pain was so extreme, Beiming Qinghan realized that he did not appreciate Lin Weiyue or anything else, but had feelings.

And this feeling is not shallow, very deep.

Because Lin Weiyue unknowingly penetrated into his heart, carved into his heart, and filled his heart unknowingly.

Let him have feelings for her, and became very deep.

It was really unconscious, she was always around, he thought he would see her as soon as he turned his head.

It was like she had been haunting her since the earliest times.

But now that he has lost Weiyue, he understands what stupid things he has done.

Bei Ming Qinghan's suffocation of heartache, followed by dizziness in front of his eyes, his eyes were red, red, and bloody.

At this moment, Beiming Qinghan would jump off without hesitation.

He didn't know what to do, he just followed his heart.

He cannot lose Lin Weiyue.

It really can't be lost. This kind of feeling is deeply rooted in the bone marrow and cannot be cut off.

He will be crazy, really crazy.

Beiming Qinghan kept mumbling Lin Weiyue's name.

He shouted in a hoarse voice.

In the moment when Beiming jumped off the cliff, he was suddenly pulled by two people.

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