Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4909: The most is the flying flower on earth (85)

Beiming Qinghan is almost in a state of madness.

He didn't realize his feelings for Lin Weiyue, but when he realized it, he knew that he had forced Lin Weiyue to death, so the pain could not be understood by others.

Beiming Qinghan couldn't forgive himself at all. He wanted to jump down with him. He wanted to save Weiyue.

Even if he couldn't, he would have to die with Lin Weiyue.

He couldn't bear her, he didn't hold Weiyue.

"Ah... let go of me, let me go..."

Beiming Qinghan shouted sternly toward the sky, struggling frantically, just to jump off the cliff.

Beiming Qinghan is like crazy now.

So his subordinates came to stop him.

Beiming Qinghan's whole body exploded, wounding his subordinates.

"Master, Master, you can't, can't..."

"Master, Master..."

Beiming Qinghan said with a hint of calmness: "You will all be dissolved in the future! Have lived the life you thought."

Beiming Qinghan is now focused on Lin Weiyue, he is anxious to jump off the cliff, but his subordinates collectively dispatched to stop him, for a while he could not break through their encirclement.

Beiming Qinghan was anxiously going crazy.

His eyes were all bloody, shining with blood red.

The enchanting beauty is like Shura.

At this time, Lin Weiyue's figure flashed in Beiming Qinghan's mind, and Lin Weiyue's name was involuntarily in his mouth.

It seems that this way, the painful heart can feel better.

But it was still as painful as knife-cutting. He was holding back all the emotions, otherwise he would really cry.

He couldn't bear the pain of losing Lin Weiyue.

No, I really can't...

The subordinates brought by Zi Yanrou were almost completely slaughtered by Beiming Qinghan.

Zi Yanrou looked at all her subordinates and was killed by the mowing. She shivered.

If Beiming Qinghan knew that she had arranged all this, what would he do?

Especially looking at Beiming Qinghan like Shura, especially seeing the bloodthirsty craziness in his eyes, Zi Yanrou was really scared.

Her heart began to beat like a drum, and she had an urge to escape.

The Beiming Qinghan she has seen before is warm and elegant, and has always been like Qinglian.

But Beiming Qinghan at this time was too strange for her.

She never knew that Beiming Qinghan could become like this.

When Beiming Qinghan chose her just now, she was really proud. When she looked at Lin Weiyue with a provocative look, she found that Lin Weiyue kept her head down and nobody looked.

But even then, she didn't want to keep Lin Weiyue, she wanted to kill Lin Weiyue.

But she did not know that Beiming Qinghan would jump for Lin Weiyue.

how can that be?

He is a prince, and he will be a prince in the future. If breakfast is successful, he will be the prince or the emperor.

Ziyanrou wants to be the queen in that position, so she can't let Beiming Qinghan jump off the cliff.

She started shouting, "Chill, don't, don't, chill..."

Zi Yanrou cried deliberately, showing weakness.

Zi Yanrou's voice made Beiming Qinghan gradually recover.

Bei Ming Qinghan looked at Zi Yanrou, his eyes glowing strangely. At this moment, he looked at Zi Yanrou, and he really understood that his love was in Lin Weiyue.

Beiming Qinghan narrowed his eyes and said, "Ziyanrou, what the **** is going on?"

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