Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4911: The most is the flying flower on earth (87)

Beiming Qinghan really wanted to kill Zi Yanrou.

But he was also a little calm at this moment. He knew that if Ziyanrou was killed, it would only make her cheaper.

He couldn't just let Zi Yanrou go like this.

But Ziyanrou is still useful right now.

In fact, what he most wanted to kill was himself.

No one can blame others because he did not realize Zi Yanrou's insidiousness.

He didn't realize his inner feelings and hurt Weiyue.

He really wanted to kill himself, but he wanted to find Weiyue even more

He is now anxious to bite to find Wei Yue.

His subordinates found a white light shining brightly below.

Bei Ming Qinghan listened to the rapid heartbeat, because he thought of the necklace left by his mother, that should save Weiyue.

Bei Ming Qinghan's heart is excited, as long as Wei Yue is fine, he will treat her well and hurt her well.

He will definitely strive for a forgiving forgiveness.

Beiming Qinghan was very painful, and his eyes burst into tears. They all said that the boy had tears and did not flick, because he didn't reach his heart.

At this time, Beiming Qinghan was hurting Weiyue, because of his own inner emotions, tears rolled from the corners of his eyes.

Beiming Qinghan made people take Ziyanrou back, looking good.

He took a part of himself under the cliff to find someone.


When Lin Weiyue felt the weightlessness and tears in the corner of her eyes, she trancely felt like she was falling into a embrace.

When Lin Weiyue opened her eyes, she looked at the man in black hugging her in shock.

Who is this guy?

The dress is very strange, and the breath is different, covering his face, people can not see what he looks and look.

Did he jump down?

Tears were still hanging in Lin Weiyue's eyes, and his eyes were slightly blurred.

"You... are you?"

"I am His Royal Highness, and His Royal Highness sent me to protect you."

The man in black was transferred away from the mountain. When he reacted, when he arrived, Lin Weiyue had fallen into the cliff.

At that moment, he quickly jumped down and chased with light power, finally hugging people.

If he really caused the princess to have an accident, he would not know what would happen to His Highness.

For His Highness, he can save the people he wants to save regardless of his life, this is his duty.

"Your Highness?"

Lin Weiyue didn't know His Highness.

Talents in black will not be stupid. Their Highness sent him to rescue the princess. He would say that he was down, "Our lord's surname is night."

Lin Weiyue heard this sentence, and his body was shocked.

Almost without thinking, she knew that it was snow at night.


His identity turned out to be unusual.

It turned out that he also sent someone to protect her.

At the moment of life and death, Lin Weiyue's heart seemed to be much more transparent.

In any case, she still thanked Ye Xueluo.

The problem once entangled may not really be a problem.

But between her and Ye Xueluo, after all, there was still a gap.

Lin Weiyue sighed inwardly, this time I don't know if I can live.

"Our Highness was supposed to personally rescue the princess, but the Emperor and the Queen were in danger and had to go back..."

The man in black spoke out the helplessness of Ye Xuelu, and he wanted to tell the princess how much Her Highness cares about her.

Lin Weiyue shook his head. "You shouldn't jump off. It's dangerous. We may not be alive. Maybe you can live alive regardless of me."

"If the princess dies, our highness may be gone."

Lin Weiyue shivered at the words.

Ye Xue fell on him... was he sincere to her?

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