Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4912: The most is the flying flower on earth (88)

Lin Weiyue's heart at this moment cannot be calm.

Her brain is also messy.

In fact, until now, she couldn't tell what was true and what was fake.

Who is sincere and who is fake.

She was tired, too tired to tell.

She dared not love anymore.

But at the moment of life and death, such a person jumped to protect her, her heart was still very touched.

Lin Weiyue looked up at the man in black and said, "I don't want to say thank you Ye Xueluo, I want to thank you."

Because the person who saved her now is the man in black in front of her, not someone else.

The man in black was shocked by Lin Weiyue's remarks. He almost got a suffocation. He couldn't control his skill well and fell off from above.

Lin Weiyue hurriedly hugged the man in black.

In fact, at this moment, her heart was a little soothing. At least when she was so scared, there was someone around to save her.

The man in black is a shadow guard, and he is not very comfortable, but he can feel Lin Weiyue's fear.

He comforted slightly awkwardly: "Don't be afraid of the princess, we will be fine."

The man in black struggled to climb the cliff and drew the wall with a dagger to slow down the falling speed, but the cliff was too steep and too dangerous.

If he wants to control it, it is not easy to control, not to mention Lin Weiyue is still on his body.

Lin Weiyue could see that the hands of the man in black were stained with blood, but he was still trying to save her.

He put Lin Weiyue in the front, if he couldn't save it, he put it underneath when he fell down, so that Lin Weiyue might still survive.

Lin Weiyue looked at all the movements of the man in black and his eyes flashed.

When she faced this world and her heart was cold, it was this man in black who gave her a trace of warmth, so that she would not really become a completely cold-hearted person.

"What's your name?"

The man in black didn't expect Lin Weiyue to ask him his name. He was stunned, but he said seriously: "I don't have a name. Your Highness gave me the code name Ye XIII."

Lin Weiyue nodded, and began to whisper in the ear of the man in black: "Yeah, your kung fu is amazing."

"Your subordinates are not as good as Your Highness."

Lin Weiyue thought for a while, Ye Xueluo's kung fu?

She remembered that the reason her predecessor was able to tie Ye Xueluo to Princess Palace was because Ye Xueluo was injured and comatose at the time.

Your Highness?

Explain that the identity must be unusual, maybe it was assassinated by someone while fighting for power?

"Thirteen at night, you can actually not save me, you don't have to jump off at all, you can lie with your highness."

Night 13 threw cold sweat on his forehead, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Ye XIII, don't you belong to one of the subordinates. I call you XIII. You call me Weiyue!"

"Subordinates dare not."

"If you say that again, I won't let you save."

Ye Xian's face was stiff and he could only do what Lin Weiyue said.

But he felt that the princess was really different.

Lin Weiyue was actually terrified in her heart. She didn't know if the next moment would really kill her.

This time, she wanted to talk more, and talk more if she could.

Lin Weiyue talked a lot, and said a lot to Ye XIII.

Ye Xia took Lin Weiyue and climbed up continuously. The blood on Ye Xian's hands stained the cliff.

Lin Weiyue looked at it and couldn't see it anymore. He felt a little bit distressed. "Yeah, don't you feel pain at night?"

"Yes... I'm used to it, so it doesn't hurt."

"It must hurt."

Ye Xian listened to Lin Weiyue's words, and his heart was filled with ripples. This was the first time he felt a concern.

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