Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4913: The most is the flying flower on earth (89)

Ye Xian's heart was slightly warm.

He didn't know why. At this moment, he wasn't because of His Highness, but because he really wanted to save Lin Weiyue.

However, when climbing to the mid-air cliff, a snake suddenly appeared, Lin Weiyue was frightened, and the stone was loose, and the two fell directly.

At night Thirteen, Lin Weiyue was guarded above, thinking of him cushioning Lin Weiyue below.

But underneath, there was a horizontal, horizontal tree, and two people directly hit the tree.

In a moment of danger, Lin Weiyue also showed a white glow all over her body.

There was a voice in her mind as if someone was asking her.

Lin Weiyue kept shouting, save the night thirteen, save the night thirteen...

Because just now, when it was dangerous, Ye Xia took good care of her, so she must save Ye XIII...

When Lin Weiyue woke up again, it was in a cave.

Her whole body was weak, her body was weak, and her eyes were a bit dazed.

"Wei Yue, are you awake?"

Lin Weiyue listened to the sound of surprise and knew that it was Ye XIII's voice.

Only then did she know that the two men collided with the tree and saved their lives, but the strange thing was that Ye Xie was not injured. Instead, Lin Weiyue, who was protecting him, began to become weak and transparent.

For several days in a row, I took care of Lin Weiyue at night.

But Lin Weiyue's body was very strange, and slowly stiffened, and the body gradually began to be cold.

Lin Weiyue didn't understand what happened to her.

But she will dream intermittently, dreaming about everything in modern times.

Ye Xian was originally prepared to wait for Lin Weiyue to wake up, and then take her away when she was ready.

But looking at Lin Weiyue's body, Ye XIII could only take Lin Weiyue back to China to find His Royal Highness.

Lin Weiyue's vision became more and more blurred, and she could only hear Ye Xian's voice faintly.

She didn't seem to hear clearly, her eyes blurred, and her soul seemed to be pulling away from the world.

Lin Weiyue didn't know what was going on, but she could feel it. Even so, Ye Shisan was trying to take care of her.

Lin Weiyue thought, after she got better, she would thank Ye Xian well.

But she didn't know if she could get better.

Ye Xian took Lin Weiyue on the way. Halfway through, Ye Xian held Lin Weiyue's hand outside and said, "Wei Yue, do you feel it? It's snowing outside, it's snowflakes."

Ye Xian's voice was painful and hoarse. He didn't know what happened to Lin Weiyue, but many doctors had seen it along the way and shook his head to prepare him for the future.

He didn't want to give up, he wanted to find His Highness.

Lin Weiyue felt snowflakes on her fingers and smiled happily, "It's snowing."

After saying this, Lin Weiyue's perception completely disappeared, and she slowly closed her eyes.

"Wei Yue, Wei Yue..."

She seemed to never hear the voice of this era again.


When Lin Weiyue woke up again, she discovered that she was in the hospital.

She opened her eyes, looked at the ceiling, and smelled the smell of disinfectant in the hospital, her heart shivered fiercely.

Lin Weiyue pinched herself hard, and it hurts. Isn't she dreaming?

She raised her hand and looked at it. It was her hand in modern times, not what it was in that era.

Lin Weiyue was a little excited, her lips trembling, what she wanted to say, but she didn't know what to say.

Tears burst into the corners of her eyes.

Is everything in that era a dream? Or did she really go, but just come back now?

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