Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4922: The most is the Flying Flower on Earth (98)

At the thought of Lin Weiyue's departure, Ye Xue suffocated in pain.

His eyes glowed with blood red, with pain.

Ye Xueluo stiffly stood in the yard, his hands clenched into fists tightly, he felt his heart cold and biting, and he could not feel the slightest temperature.

His heart seemed to be bleeding.

After losing Lin Weiyue, he felt the same pain and pain.

This pain, he couldn't breathe, he didn't know if he could persevere to continue to live.

At this moment, Ye Xueluo really understood what kind of mood Lin Weiyue was when he left.

This time, Ye Xueluo really realized it.

Only then did he understand that he had taken the impulse to leave the Princess Mansion impulsively and brought much harm to Lin Weiyue.

But it is useless for him to regret now.

Because he cannot return to that time, if it is that time, he must not leave Lin Weiyue.

Even if he had been staying in the backyard of the Princess Mansion, he would not leave Lin Weiyue half a step.

His Qiu'er, he killed his Qiu'er, he lost his Qiu'er.

Ye Xueluo's heart hurt, and her eyes hurt.

He felt a blank head, some pain, but a little confused, he did not know what he was going to do.

He felt like he was alone, so lonely.

Perhaps only Lin Weiyue could warm him up.

In fact, during the battle for power, his father, emperor and his mother were killed. He had to avenge himself and had to stand in this position.

But the heights were cold and he could not feel the affection. The warmth he could miss was given to him by Lin Weiyue.

Ye Xue fell in her heart and shouted, "Qiu'er, my Qiu'er, don't go okay, I know it's wrong, I know I shouldn't have left the princess house, I should have believed you... Qiu'er, don't torture me good or not……"

Ye Xueluo can only cry in her heart and feel sad in her heart.

Just when he was hurt, a figure appeared in his blurred vision.

Ye Xueluo was shocked and looked at it in disbelief, he stared at him with wide eyes.

Is it Lin Weiyue?

It's her...she didn't leave?

Is this not an illusion?

Ye Xueluo looked at it in disbelief and wanted to laugh, only to find that his eyes were sore and he was about to cry.

He walked toward Lin Weiyue step by step with a false foot.

When walking in front of Lin Weiyue, Ye Xue fell deeply and greedily at Lin Weiyue.

Then he hugged Lin Weiyue tightly and hugged it very hard, as if he would try his best to hug him.

Lin Weiyue actually just came out to breathe, she had thought about leaving.

But she just knew the situation of Lin Luoguo, and now it is the world of the Beiming family.

Beiming Qinghan's father rebelled after all.

She can't go back to her country.

She didn't know where the direction was. She stood in the corner for a long time, thinking for a long time, and then it was dark, and she was ready to come back to rest. When she was about to return, she found that everyone was looking for her.

All the court ladies knelt down and begged her, saying that the emperor was looking for her anxiously.

She heard someone whispering that the emperor was going crazy.

She knew that the emperor they said was Ye Xueluo.

She was still reluctant to let the night snow fall.

So she came back and came back.

She didn't expect to see Ye Xueluo standing there, a cold, lonely figure.

This figure makes her look distressed, she does not want to let Ye Xue fall like this.

So when Ye Xue fell over and hugged, Lin Weiyue let him hug quietly.

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