Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4923: The most is the flying flower on earth (99)

Lin Weiyue didn't know what it was like in her heart at this moment. She just felt distressed at night.

She didn't want to make him sad.

So he hugged, she let him hug.

Even if Ye Xue fell into a tight hug, she was almost unable to breathe, and she quietly let Ye Xue fall into a hug.

She could feel that Ye Xueluo's arm was still trying to tighten, and his arm was trembling.

Ye Xue lowered her eyes and flushed, buried her head in Lin Weiyue's neck, "Wei Yue, Wei Yue..."

Ye Xueluo constantly shouted Lin Weiyue's name, and his voice was trembling, with a trembling sound.

Ye Xueluo's voice finally fell on Lin Weiyue's heart, making Lin Weiyue's heart tremble.

Ye Xueluo was just about to go crazy, and was in a feeling of collapse. At this time, he really came to life.

He kissed Lin Weiyue's hair and said hoarsely: "Qiu'er, it was my fault before, it was me wrong, I didn't know anything at that time, it was my impulse, you forgive me, forgive me, I will take everything All supply you."

When Lin Weiyue heard this sentence, she had to push Ye Xueluo away.

She was a little angry.

But Lin Weiyue's push of Ye Xueluo was terrified.

He hugged tighter.

Lin Weiyue's strength couldn't be compared with Ye Xueluo, she could only stop her struggling movements, and said lightly: "Ye Xueluo, I don't need to make up, everything I did, I just wanted to save you, you The previous injury was caused by me, and after I am rescued, I don't owe each other."

"No, no, Qiuer, no, no, I love you, love you, I love you..."

In the past, Ye Xueluo never thought that he would say such a sentence, would express such feelings.

But when I really met the person who loved me, some words came out naturally.

Without any sense of disobedience, he wanted to tell Lin Weiyue about this.


When Lin Weiyue heard this sentence, she was really throbbing, and her eyes were all trance.

Is it really love?

The first time I heard such words, Lin Weiyue had an urge to cry.

She didn't know why she was crying. It was heart palpitations, her heart was beating faster, and she felt her heart warm slightly.

Maybe she is looking for a love in this world.

It turned out that this was what she wanted.

This will make her feel a sense of belonging to the world.

Lin Weiyue's eyes were also hot.

She opened her mouth and tried to say something, only to find that she was very unstable and speechless.

Ye Xueluo's arms were tight, but he felt his neck was wet. He shook all over his body, and then slightly released Lin Weiyue, only to see Lin Weiyue crying.

"Qiu'er, why are you crying?"

Ye Xueluo had never seen Lin Weiyue crying, so at this time, he was totally in a panic.

He was helpless to wipe Lin Weiyue's tears, his hands were shaking, his eyes were distressed.

He felt pain in his heart.

"Qiu'er, don't cry, what's wrong with you, tell me..."

Ye Xueluo was almost incoherent.

Lin Weiyue avoided Ye Xueluo's hand and wiped her tears herself, sobbing: "You want to lie to me again."

Ye Xueluo's complexion changed, and he shook his head hurriedly. "Qiu'er, I didn't lie to you. It's true. I love you. I didn't understand emotions before. I realized it later. Can you forgive me? I understand too Late, but I can't lose you, it will hurt here, and there will be no heart here."

Saying that, Ye Xueluo took Lin Weiyue's hand on the position of her heart and let her feel the heat.

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