Although Lin Weiyue persuaded Ye Xueluo to let him go back to sleep.

But Ye Xueluo didn't listen, he wanted to guard Lin Weiyue.

He knew that Lin Weiyue's heart was very fragile now, and he wanted to give her a sense of security, and he will also be in the future.

Lin Weiyue looked at Ye Xueluo's gentle eyes, so magnificent and bright, sobbing like blood, with a charming charm.

This is the first time that Lin Xueyue has seriously looked at Yexue's eyes since Yexue's eyes were good.

really beautiful.

"Snow falling..."

When Lin Weiyue was willing to call out such an intimate name again, Ye Xueluo's heart suddenly shuddered.

His throat choked, there was really a long absence, and his heart was sour.

He hasn't heard it for a long time.

He wondered if Lin Weiyue was willing to take a step forward.

She is no longer so strange and alienated from him?

Lin Weiyue yelled, and did not hear Ye Xueluo answer.

"Snow falls?"

Ye Xueluo had a choked throat, "Well, what's wrong?"

Ye Xueluo made his voice so low and so soft.

He was really careful when dealing with Lin Weiyue.

He did not dare to be self-centered like before.

He is used to it now. He must first consider Lin Weiyue's feelings and moods.

Because of love, even if he is the emperor now, he is willing to lower himself.

Because of the days when Lin Weiyue was not around, he sat on the throne and his heart was empty.

The feeling of getting cold all over the body made him miss the days in the Princess Mansion most.

Such joy and calm.

In that mood, only Lin Weiyue can bring him.

Love, it is love, there is no reason, only in my heart.

And Lin Weiyue didn't know that before he went to bed, he could not see Lin Weiyue's figure, and his heart would be empty, and there was a very uneasy feeling.

He is really afraid of losing.

Lin Weiyue looked at Ye Xue's eyes turning red.

She hesitated, pursed her lips, and leaned back in the bed.

Ye Xueluo watched Lin Weiyue's movements, and her heart shook and hurt, did she want to escape him?

Ye Xue fell in pain and only knew that she looked straight at Lin Weiyue.

Lin Weiyue patted the bed beside her, "You come up to talk with me."

In this sentence, Ye Xueluo listened, almost thought it was an illusion, and almost thought he had heard it wrong.

He looked at Lin Weiyue's eyes and her serious look, knowing what she said was true.

At this moment, night snow fell almost weeping.

He nodded vigorously and went to bed.

Ye Xueluo felt that he didn't know how to release his hands and feet.

I'm nervous because I care too much.

Lie down, Ye Xueluo breathed a little suffocated.

He can clearly feel Lin Weiyue's breath, and the beloved woman is beside him, which is also a kind of sweet torture for him.

Lin Weiyue felt the stiffness of Ye Xueluo, she gently leaned against Ye Xueluo's side.

Ye Xueluo became more stiff.

His throat rolled and said hoarsely: "Qiu'er."


Lin Weiyue's breath was very close, and Ye Xueluo seemed to be confused.

He turned around and gently hugged Lin Weiyue carefully.

Embracing Lin Weiyue, Ye Xueluo had a sense of satisfaction.

Lin Weiyue closed her eyes in Ye Xueluo's arms, covering her sore emotions.

If she really wants to be in this era, she really needs a warmth and a sense of security.

Forgive her, she is just an ordinary woman, so she will have the desire in her heart.

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