At this moment, the night was deep and too quiet. Lin Weiyue just wanted to have a warmth and a safety.

She longed for a sense of security.

If she really wants to be in this era, she wants to have a home.

No matter how sincere Ye Xueluo behaved, she did not feel ashamed of him as before.

But she is willing to come closer, to believe, to start again with him.

Ye Xueluo originally told himself that as long as he held Lin Weiyue.

Holding her, he has a sense of satisfaction.

Because he could feel that at this moment, Lin Weiyue was willing to be close to him and be with him.

But when I really hold it, I realize that the senses are so obvious and so clear.

The people in his arms are so delicate and so soft.

Ye Xueluo's throat rolled, and he hugged tightly.

He overestimated his control.

Ye Xueluo looked down at Lin Weiyue and his breath was tight. He seemed to be bewitched, lowering his head to kiss Lin Weiyue's lips.

Lin Weiyue froze, dizzy.

This kiss really made her heart palpitate, her heart beat faster, and there was a very sweet feeling.

There was a feeling of being charmed by Ye Xueluo.

At this moment, her mind was blank and she could actually escape, but she did not.

I don't know how long it took. When Ye Xuexue couldn't control himself, he let go of Lin Weiyue.

It was just that he still held Lin Weiyue tightly and slowly calmed down.

Lin Weiyue woke up slowly. At this moment, she could feel that her feeling of night snow falling was different from that of Beiming Qinghan.

Perhaps, she knew which direction her heart was in.

Still leaning towards night snow falling.

It turned out that until now, her heart was biased towards Ye Xueluo.

Beiming Qinghan hurt her too much.

She couldn't accept it. Beiming Qinghan put her in danger for the sake of other women.

This is something she cannot forgive.

Moreover, she told Beiming Qinghan, the two do not owe each other.

Lin Weiyue narrowed her eyes and said, "Sleepy, I'm going to sleep."

"Okay, sleep."

Ye Xueluo held Lin Weiyue at this moment, letting go of her strength slightly, let Lin Weiyue find a comfortable posture to sleep.

But the same, he still embraces Lin Weiyue and will not let go.

At this moment, Ye Xueluo felt that his heart began to jump and felt happy.

He wanted to hold Lin Weiyue all the time.

Ye Xueluo's heartbeat was speeding up, his blood was flowing fast, and he couldn't sleep.

Lin Weiyue fell asleep after a while.

Maybe it is really tired.

Ye Xueluo watched Lin Weiyue for a long time before falling asleep.

The next day, when Lin Weiyue woke up, she saw Ye Xueluo was still asleep, and she looked at him intently.

In fact, Ye Xueluo is really beautiful, with charming capital.

Can she really believe him again without reservation?

In fact, Lin Weiyue's heart is also contradictory.

When Ye Xueluo opened his eyes, he met Lin Weiyue's eyes.

His cold eyes softened at once, "Qiu'er..."

Lin Weiyue could feel the instinctive vigilance of Xue Xue's instinct at that moment, and his eyes were cold. When he saw her, his eyes softened.

Is this the emperor?

In fact, no one believes.

Ye Xueluo looked at Lin Weiyue's expression, and his heart beat, "Qiu'er, did I just scare you, sorry, I'm used to it."

"Don't you dare to let others get close to you?"

Ye Xueluo's face stiffened and nodded.

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