Lin Weiyue is now spoiled by Ye Xue, but her heart is actually warm and sweet.

She used to have a lot of injuries in her heart, but after being unconditionally spoiled and pampered by Ye Xueluo, she felt her heart gradually healed.

Before, she was scared and scared of being injured.

But when Ye Xueluo was willing to give up Jiangshan for her, she had no doubts.

And he is all in her eyes, whether he is eating or doing anything on weekdays, he takes care of her in every detail and thinks of her.

What she likes to eat and what she likes to use, Ye Xueluo knows.

Lin Weiyue is actually very satisfied.

Seeing this night snow falling, she was willing to believe again and to indulge her feelings again.

Ye Xueluo listened to Lin Weiyue smiling like a child, and his heart was drunk.

He wanted to see her smile so happy.

He is willing to care for her carefree, nothing to consider.

He hadn't heard her such a clear laugh for a long time before. It was really a long time before Ye Xue fell at this moment, and his eyes were a little hot.

He bowed his head to catch Lin Weiyue's lips, kissed it, and kissed hard...

At this moment, Ye Xueluo was really not gentle at all.

Lin Weiyue felt her lips were numb, and Ye Xue's kiss gradually fell, eating her skin.

Lin Weiyue shuddered fiercely all over the body, a little pain and numbness, and a feeling of overcharge.

"Snow falling..."

Lin Weiyue couldn't help making a soft voice.

Ye Xue's eyes were very dark, and the light in his eyes seemed to swallow everything up. His already gorgeous eyes were even more magnificent like a demon, like a demon.

And Lin Weiyue is in his world, in his heart, in his eyes.

Her voice was fatally seductive to him.

Ye Xueluo took a deep breath, and felt pain all over his body. He couldn't let Lin Weiyue go.

He is more greedy.

But now he can't, he can't just ask his Qiuer.

Ye Xueluo slowly left Lin Weiyue's lips and hugged her, holding her very hard, trying to calm her breathing.

Lin Weiyue was also breathing heavily, just feeling too strong, she felt like she was drowning.

Her body felt strange.

She couldn't help but want to get close to Yexueluo and get closer.

Her body was hot and hot, and she felt that Ye Xue fell so cool as water, so comfortable.

She felt that she just had a feeling of wanting to strip off Ye Xue's clothes.

How could she have such an idea, Lin Weiyue flushed.

She buried her head in Ye Xueluo's arms, fearing that he would see her emotions.

After both of them are packed, the time is running out.

Ye Xueluo took Lin Weiyue to the center of the military camps of the two sides, where they negotiated in the camps.

In fact, after Ye Xueluo talked to Beiming Qinghan, Ming Qinghan came here early and waited.

Because he desperately wanted to see Lin Weiyue, he hadn't seen her for a long time.

I don't know how she is now, but is it okay?

Do you hate him?

Thinking of these, Beiming Qinghan's eyes were red.

It is he who is sorry for Lin Weiyue.

Many times, he will miss the time when he was on his way, because there was Lin Weiyue in that time.

All her smiles were printed in his mind, and they could not be forgotten or forgotten.

At that time, why did he not realize his inner emotions?

And why didn't he know Ziyanrou's calculation?

Wei Yue is very good, really good, but he hurt her.

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